Page 10 - VIETNAM DEFENCE EXPO 2024 - Day 1 | GBP
P. 10

In Japan, Vietnam Has a New Defence Ally

                                                                                1944-2024) and 35 years of the All-
                                                                                People Defence Festival. During the
                                                                                event, Vietnamese Ambassador to
                                                                                Japan Pham Quang Hieu described
                                                                                the bilateral defence relationship as a
                                                                                cornerstone of the broader Vietnam-
                                                                                Japan partnership, becoming a bright
                                                                                spot in bilateral relations.

                                                                                Regarding defence ties with Japan, the
                                                                                envoy said that along with maintaining
                                                                                regular visits and delegation exchanges,
                                                                                including the visit by  Japan’s Defence
                                                                                Minister to Vietnam in August, the two
                                                                                sides have maintained cooperation
                                                                                mechanisms such as the deputy min-
                                                                                isterial-level Defence Policy Dialogue.

                                                                                Both sides have signed numerous de-
                                                                                fence cooperation agreements and
                                                                                strengthened ties in areas such as post-
                                                                                war recovery efforts, training, military
        In view of the increasing regional se-  the two sides have made strong de-  medicine, search and rescue operations,
        curity threats, Japan and Vietnam are  velopments in the field of defence and   and UN peacekeeping missions.
        bolstering their defense relations.   security.
                                                                                The two sides have also coordinat-
        During talks between the Defence  In September, member of the Central   ed closely within the ASEAN Defence
        Ministers of Vietnam and Japan in  Military Commission and Deputy       Ministers’ Meeting Plus (ADMM +).
        Hanoi in August, the two sides agreed  Minister of National Defence Sen.
        to continue to effectively maintain bilat-  Lieut. Gen Pham Hoai Nam hosted a   In 2023, Japan and Vietnam agreed to
        eral defence cooperation mechanisms.  reception in Hanoi for President of the   expand cooperation in cybersecurity,
                                            National Defence Academy of Japan   military training and defense equip-
        Reflecting on the progress of bilateral   Kubo Fumiaki.                 ment transfers. The initiatives align with
        defence ties, a senior Vietnam defence                                  Tokyo’s strategy to bolster security ties
        ministry official highlighted the tangible  Nam highlighted the major strides in   with Southeast Asian nations to uphold
        results achieved since the signing of  defence cooperation between the two   a Free and Open Indo-Pacific.
        the Joint Vision Statement on Defence  nations, noting regular visits by leaders
        Cooperation toward the next decade by  from the two countries’ defence min-  Japan continues to expand other forms
        the two defence ministries in April 2018.  istries, armies and national defence   of international cooperation, all of which
        These include the exchange of high-level  forces, as well as engagements at mul-  could benefit its defence industry. With
        delegations, defence policy dialogue,  tilateral forums. He underlined practical   the U.S., Japan is further deepening
        education-training, military medicine,  results in personnel training, cyberse-  defence-industrial cooperation through
        search and rescue, post-war recovery,  curity, and post-war recovery efforts   the Defense Industrial Cooperation,
        capacity-building support programmes,  among armed forces, with education   Acquisition, and Sustainment Forum.
        and mutual consultation and support at  and training being a standout area of
        multilateral forums and mechanisms,  collaboration.
        particularly those led by ASEAN.                                        In addition, in March 2024, Japan be-
                                                                                gan participating in the Organisation
                                            High-level dialogues and meetings   for Joint Armament Cooperation’s
        Cooperation between Japan and  are continuing. Talks between Japan’s    Eurodrone uninhabited aerial vehicle
        Việtnam has a special mention in  new Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru and   programme as an observer.
        Japan’s new defense white paper 2024  Vietnam’s Prime Minister Pham Minh
        released on July 12.                Chinh at the ASEAN Summit in October
                                            are an example.                     Also, in the same month, the Japanese
                                                                                cabinet agreed to revise its arms-ex-
        The white paper emphasizes that af-                                     ports policy to allow the sale of
        ter the two countries upgraded their  In November, the Vietnamese Embassy   next-generation combat aircraft that
        relations to a comprehensive strategic  in Japan held a ceremony to cele-  Japan is jointly developing with the UK
        partnership for peace and prosperity in  brate the 80th anniversary of the   and Italy under the Global Combat Air
        Asia and the world in November 2023,  Vietnam People’s Army (December 22,   Programme (GCAP).

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