Page 12 - VIETNAM DEFENCE EXPO 2024 - Day 3 | GBP
P. 12


          The Vietnamese military still has a preponderance of
          Russiam origin equipment that is hard to replace. Several of
          these systems are on display at the outdoor static display.





                                                                03 - The BM-21 Grad is the quintessential Russian
                                                                weapon; robust, dependable and deadly. It can fire a
                  05                                            single salvo of 20 rockets as far away as 20 km,
                                                                destroying an area of 50,000 square m.

                                                                04 - The VCB-01 IFV is a modernised Vietnamese version
                                                                of the BMP-II. Firepower comes from its 2A828 smooth-
        01 - The 9K111 ‘Fagot’ ATGM first entered service over 50   bore gun, PKT 7.62mm and 12.7 mm machine guns and
        years ago. In addition to Vietnam, Fagot ATGMs are still in   B-72 ATGMs.
        widespread use with numerous armies in the region.

                                                                05 - Vietnam operates significant numbers of the rugged
        02 - The Vietnamese Army’s Su-122 Self-Propelled        Russian M46 130mm towed field gun. The weapon weighs
        Howitzer weighs 16 tonne. It has a rate of fire of 4-5  7.7 tonne and can lob a shell with a 33 kg warhead as far
        rounds per minute and can fire shells as far as 15 km.  away as 27 km.

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