Page 10 - VIETNAM DEFENCE EXPO 2024 - Day 3 | GBP
P. 10
Vietnam’s Domestic Defence
Industry is Coming of Age
One of the highlights of the ongoing New Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), Viettel is fast emerging as a leader in
Vietnam International Defence Expo is Counter- Unmanned Aerial Systems supply of military telecommunications
the emergence of several new weapon (UAS) systems and active electronic equipment, and network security, devic-
systems, defence technologies and up- beam-forming Fire Control Radars are es, providing a vital advantage to the
grades to existing platforms developed being presented to the public for the first Vietnamese military. Viettel had begun
indigenously in Vietnam. Several new time. The new VRS-M555 is a 3D me- its research with projects on communi-
armed and unarmed Unmanned Aerial dium range air-defence radar operating cation equipment and radar systems in
Systems (UAS) are on display in addi- in the S-band. Viettel had showcased 2011 and then branched out in 2014 to
tion to deep modernisation upgrades to 60 military products and 59 civilian undertake key tasks in missile technol-
Russian-origin defence equipment such products at the Vietnam International ogy development and began satellite
as missiles, Air Defence (AD) guns and Defense Exhibition in 2022. This year, research and manufacturing in 2021.
missiles and armoured vehicles. The the number of highly sophisticated de- Viettel has already researched and pro-
showstopper, however, is the wide range fence equipment displayed stands at duced more than 50 types of products
of advanced defence equipment being 120. Many of these are already in opera- in 10 high-tech weapons and equipment
displayed for the first time by Vietnam’s tional use with the Vietnamese military. industries to supply to the army. The ten
Military Industry and Telecoms Group
(Viettel). Speaking to Daily News, a com-
pany official said,
“Viettel’s strategic goal in High-
tech research and production
is to create dual-use, modern
products that are smarter, faster,
more accurate, and more pow-
erful. Viettel’s high-tech military
products will be suitable for
environmental conditions and
combat methods of the Vietnam
People’s Army and comply with
international standards.”