Page 7 - VIETNAM DEFENCE EXPO 2024 - Day 3 | GBP
P. 7

ASELSAN: Leading the Way in Naval

        and Land Electronic Warfare Systems

        ASELSAN, a global leader in electronic  environments.
        warfare (EW), continues to redefine                                       VURAL
        the future of defence technology with   The system’s modular design allows it
        its cutting-edge solutions for both na-  to be integrated into both crewed and
        val and land platforms. The company’s   unmanned platforms, addressing the
        commitment to innovation, combined   evolving needs of modern naval op-
        with its decades of expertise in radar   erations. As unmanned systems gain
        and electronic warfare ensures its place   importance in defence strategies, ARES
        at the forefront of global defence indus-  2-NC stands out as a vital solution for
        try. ASELSAN’s advanced EW systems   increasing operational flexibility and
        are designed to enhance situational   reducing personnel risks—an essential
        awareness, neutralize threats, and pro-  feature for markets where maritime
        vide tactical superiority in increasingly   security is a top priority.
        complex and competitive global security
        environments. As ASELSAN strengthens
        its presence in international markets,  AREAS 2-NC: Naval Compact
        particularly in Pacific region, its state-  ECM System
        of-the-art solutions are set to contrib-
        ute military forces worldwide. At the  ASELSAN’s AREAS 2-NC system is also
        Vietnam Defence Expo, ASELSAN show-  one of the highlights of its advanced EW   VURAL: Radar Electronic
        cases some of these ground-breaking  products, offering a significant advance-
        systems, which are especially relevant  ment in electronic attack (EA) capabil-  Support / Electronic Attack
        for the region’s growing defence needs.  ities for surface platforms. Designed  Systems
                                            to operate effectively across various
        ARES 2-NC: Naval Compact            platforms, including unmanned surface  ASELSAN’s VURAL system, a compre-
                                            vehicles (USVs), AREAS 2-NC delivers  hensive radar electronic support (ES)
        ESM System                          electronic countermeasure (ECM) tech-  and electronic attack (EA) solution, is
                                            niques that can be applied either indi-  another key product being highlighted
        One of ASELSAN’s standout offerings   vidually or simultaneously. The system’s  at the Vietnam Defence Expo. VURAL
        at the Vietnam Defence Expo is ARES   modular structure ensures adaptability,  excels at detecting, intercepting, and
        2-NC, a state-of-the-art radar electronic   while its ability to integrate with Combat  analysing radar signals, providing crit-
        support system. This system excels   Management Systems (CMS) enhances  ical situational awareness through its
        at intercepting, detecting, identifying,   coordination across naval operations.  “electronic order of battle”. With its abil-
        and tracking radar signals with high                                    ity to identify threats and apply jamming
        precision. With its ability to accurately  AREAS 2-NC offers a flexible, cost-ef-  and deception techniques, VURAL en-
        measure radar parameters and charac-  fective solution for modern naval forces.   sures that military forces can neutralize
        terize advanced emitters, ARES 2-NC  Its ability to handle both traditional and   radar threats effectively.
        is an invaluable asset for naval forces,  emerging threats makes it an essential
        ensuring tactical superiority in complex  tool for naval defence.       VURAL’s high precision, fast response
                                                                                time, and wide frequency coverage en-
                                                                                sure it can operate effectively in dense
                                                                ARES 2-NC       electromagnetic environments, provid-
                                                                                ing a comprehensive solution for mod-
                                                                                ern defence needs.

                                                                                With the advanced EW systems it offers,
                                                                                ASELSAN sees the Vietnam Defence
                                                                                Expo as an opportunity to establish new
                                                                                cooperation in the field of electronic
                                                                                warfare. It is ready to address defence
                                                                                needs of the Pacific region through its
                                                                                unwavering commitment to reinforce
                                                                                its presence in the region. Its ongoing
                                                                                investments in R&D and next-generation
                                                                                technologies ensure that it remains at
                                                                                the forefront of defence innovation,
                                                                                helping armed forces around the world
                                                                                to maintain a tactical edge.
        VIET NAM INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE EXPO 2024                                              DECEMBER-21-2024 7
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