Page 9 - VIETNAM DEFENCE EXPO 2024 - Day 3 | GBP
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areas of expertise, innovative tech-
          nologies and advanced solutions at
          Vietnam Defence Expo 2024.

        What are some of the HAVELSAN tech-
        nologies and products that are attract-
        ing interest, not only in Vietnam but in
        the SE Asia region?

          At Vietnam Defence Expo, we show-
          case our products and solutions,
          with a focus on C4ISR technologies
          for land, air and sea domains; our
          Naval Combat Management System
          -ADVENT, Digital Troops including
          our autonomous unmanned sys-
          tems BAHA, BARKAN and SANCAR,
          Simulation and Military Training tech-  capabilities.                  strengthening their air defence ca-
          nologies such as Electronic Warfare                                    pabilities further. HAVELSAN TICCS
          Test and Training Ranges, as well as   Regarding our Autonomous and    is developed to increase task effi-
          Wargaming solutions. We are excited   Unmanned Systems, I’d like to brief-  ciency, provide accurate and timely
          to see our products attractng a lot of   ly talk about BAHA, BARKAN, and   information to decision-makers, and
          attention.                         SANCAR. Each is designed for spe-   efficiently utilize resources to cover
                                             cialized tasks and performs functions   all facilities and activities of the Air
          HAVELSAN has a deep experience in   such as logistical support, reconnais-  Forces. It supports the operation, intel-
          Naval Combat Management Systems    sance, and monitoring in military op-  ligence, and flight training processes
          which has been developed together   erations. Firstly, BAHA is a sub-cloud   of Air Forces using different technol-
          with Turkish Navy Research Center   automous unmanned aerial vehicle   ogies and architectures.
          Command (ARMERKOM). ADVENT         with vertical take-off and landing
          Network Enabled Data Integrated    capability, designed for intelligence,   To support air forces’ human re-
          Combat Management System is the    surveillance and reconnaissance mis-  sources, we provide high technology
          next-generation command and control   sions. It can efficiently meet opera-  training services. By using advanced
          system designed to meet the needs   tional needs like border security and   simulation technologies, HAVELSAN
          of a force-oriented, network-enabled   maritime control; the UAV can also   ensures that pilots receive top-level
          operational approach rather than a   be utilised for civilian applications.  training. Realistic training environ-
          single ship. It is an advanced CMS that   BARKAN, as an autonomous ground   ments and wargaming scenarios
          is more effective, adaptable to tech-  vehicle, excels in logistics support   enhance operational preparedness
          nological advancements, scalable,   and threat analysis. Its high maneu-  while minimizing risks. Through Air
          secure, and supported by networks.  verability and AI-powered technology   Operation Centers we design and de-
                                             enhance operational success in the   velop, we offer an integrated approach
          HAVELSAN’s naval solutions are de-  field. SANCAR, the unmanned surface   to planning, managing, and execut-
          signed to integrate naval platforms   vessel, is ideal for coastal security and   ing air operations, thus increasing
          and enhance operational efficiency. In   reconnaissance operations. It offers   the operational efficiency of friend-
          countries which hold a critical position   tailored solutions for countries’ naval   ly and allied countries. Additionally,
          with its coastal lines and maritime   defence and coastal security needs.  HAVELSAN’s Training Centers provide
          borders, these systems provide both                                    the capacity to train different units
          tactical and strategic advantages. In  Please provide information about some   of armed forces simultaneously. We
          this manner, the tactical data links  of HAVELSAN’s activities for the Turkish   believe that we can provide a compre-
          management and coastal surveillance  Air Force?                        hensive training infrastructure tailored
          systems we have developed are very                                     to meet the current and future needs
          critical force multipliers that enable   HAVELSAN provides Command     of the Vietnamese Armed Forces.
          effective communication between    Control and Information System
          naval units and provide real-time situ-  solution for all operational layers of   The solutions we offer will not only
          ational awareness for ensuring naval   the Air Forces of allied and friendly   enhance operational efficiency but
          deterrence and coastal security.   countries. Turkish Air Force Integrated   also lead the way to local collabo-
                                             Command  and  Control  System       ration opportunities. As HAVELSAN,
          These technologies offer strategic   (TICCS) developed by HAVELSAN has   our priority is to build long-term, sus-
          superiority for countries that need   been in the service of the Turkish   tainable partnerships that support
          to effectively manage both land and   Air Force for almost 20 years. These   security priorities and local defence
          maritime borders. By integrating   systems provide critical infrastruc-  capabilities. As a company combining
          units in the field and accelerating   ture for the coordination of air force   technological innovation with reliabil-
          decision-making processes, our C4I   operations and the effective man-  ity and sustainability, we are eager to
          systems enhance operational efficien-  agement of airspace. They are ideal   explore cooperation opportunities
          cy and strengthen national defence   solutions for countries which prioritise   through Vietnam Defence Expo 2024..

        VIET NAM INTERNATIONAL DEFENCE EXPO 2024                                              DECEMBER-21-2024 9
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