Page 8 - VIETNAM DEFENCE EXPO 2024 - Day 3 | GBP
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Collaborative Intent
Turkish defence firm HAVELSAN is We are honoured to be here at the
participating at the ongoing show Vietnam Defence Expo 2024, a unique
with an intention to secure a greater defence event in Vietnam, which is
foothold in Vietnam’s growing defence making strategic advancements in
market. “Our approach to new or exist- the defence industry. Vietnam, as a
ing markets is to establish long-term rapidly growing market and a strategic
partnerships that will add value to their player in the region, presents remark-
defence ecosystem and help develop able opportunities for collaboration in
capabilities,” said HAVELSAN’s CEO defence technologies.
Dr. Mehmet Akif Nacar, in an exclusive
interview at the show. As HAVELSAN, we are proud to be
one of the leading players not only in
Edited excerpts from the interview. Türkiye but also in the global defence
and technology industry. Particularly
What are some of the important devel- in South East Asia, HAVELSAN has
opments at HAVELSAN this past year? an important market share combined
Dr. Mehmet Akif Nacar, HAVELSAN’s CEO with high reputation. We are provid-
HAVELSAN, one of the leading tech- increased export performance, ex- ing state of the art solutions to meet
nology companies and defence pow- pansion in existing markets besides the evolving needs of our customers
erhouses of Türkiye, provides high access to new ones, internationally from various countries. The most
technology-based software-intensive awarded R&D projects, and the first important factor of our approach to
solutions and products for armed export of civil aviation simulators. new or existing markets is to estab-
forces, public and private sectors at lish long-term partnerships that will
home and abroad. Today, HAVELSAN’s add value to their defence ecosystem
products, solutions and services are As a reliable, sustainable and strategic and help develop capabilities. I’d
used by almost 25 different countries. solution partner, HAVELSAN, with its like to underline HAVELSAN’s role
Thanks to its decades-long engineer- holistic defence approach, contin- as a trusted technology partner for
ing experience and highly qualified ues to meet the security and safety the Turkish Armed Forces and that
top experts in the field, HAVELSAN needs of friendly and allied countries of allied nations. HAVELSAN is not
is committed to continious innova- with scientific, unique, innovative, and just a company delivering products
tion and technological excellence to high-technology products, solutions, and services; it is a strategic partner
remain competitive globally. 2024 was and services. offering innovative solutions to meet
a year of various firsts and newest ac- the complex requirements of modern
complishments. TTo mention briefly, Please elaborate on the company’s par- battlefields and security operations of
it was a momentous year that was ticipation at Vietnam Defence Expo and friendly and allied countries.
full of groundbreaking technological importance of this potential new market
advancements, many projects won, for HAVELSAN? Today, we are delighted to display our