Page 3 - VIETNAM DEFENCE EXPO 2024 - Day 3 | GBP
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A Push for Defence Modernisation
South Korea and India all have a size-
GBP Aerospace & Defence is taking a giant stride forward in 2025, able number of national companies
marking a change in direction in its 33rd year of publishing showcasing their wares at the show,
with even Japan marking its presence
industry-leading aerospace & defence titles. at the event.
Vietnam has consistently pursued a
foreign policy of independence, self-re-
liance, multilateralization, and diversi-
fication of relations, which makes it
clear that it will diversify its defence
‘Having experienced much pain, sacri-
fice and loss due to war, Vietnam un-
derstands and appreciates the value of
friendship, for peace, cooperation and
development,’ Prime Minister Chinh
said, adding,’
Vietnam firmly adheres to the “four no’s”
Delivering the opening speech at the operate, maintain and support Russian defence policy - “no participation in mili-
show, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh equipment. Russia and the USA are tary alliances, no allying with one country
said, “Vietnam advocates building a both jostling to emerge as a preferred to fight against another, no allowing
revolutionary, disciplined, elite, and defence supplier to Vietnam, while foreign countries to set up military bas-
modern army; building a strong enough European nations in addition to Israel, es or use its territory to fight against
defence potential to enhance the abil- Turkey, South Korea and India all have other countries, and no use of force or
ity to defend and protect the country sizeable market opportunities awaiting threat of use of force in international
relations.” It is keeping these tenets in
early, from afar, and from the starting them. The U.S. presence at the show mind that the importance of Vietnam
point. Vietnam has a strategic orienta- was bolstered by the appearance of
Our respected industry title ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY tion to develop a proactive, self-reliant, Admiral. Samuel J. Paparo, Commander International Defence Expo comes to
the fore; the event was created with the
will receive a new editorial direction and transition to dual-use, modern, and internationally of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command, who aim of strengthening and expanding in-
WORLD DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY. This marks an important shift for integrated defence industry; prioritizing highlighted the importance of the grow- ternational defence cooperation, building
the publication, which will now provide a comprehensive overview research, development, and application ing and deepening engagement with trust with other countries, and developing
of global defence technologies, as opposed to its previous focus of advanced science and technology. the Vietnamese military. IIsrael, Turkey, local defence industry.
on the Indo-Pacific region. That will optimize dual-use, both en-
hancing defence potential and develop-
The year also marks the launch of AVIATION 2050, a new publication ing the economy, serving the strategic
focussed on topics such as sustainability, advanced air mobility, and interests of the country as well as the
New age aviation propulsion. AVIATION 2050 will initially be made practical lives of the people.”
available as an insert inside our industry leading publication
The Vietnamese military has a storied
combat history and has used Russian
GBP DAILY NEWS, the most successful aerospace and defence (and previously ex-Soviet) supplied com-
show daily in the Asia Pacific region, will expand to also cover trade bat equipment to devastating effect in
shows in regions such as the Americas, Europe and Africa. the past. However, it is now expected
to accelerate the diversification of de-
fence equipment and will also need
to enhance and modernise its local
As before, you can expect the highest editorial standards and insightful coverage of the most important
global developments in the aerospace & defence sector. We look forward to supporting the global defence ecosystem, which was built to
aerospace & defence industry in greater detail than ever before.
Contact Vittorio Rossi Prudente, CEO & Publisher, Editorial Director Arun Sivasankaran Art Director
Global Business Press, to know more. Vittorio Rossi Prudente Sudheesh Kularmunda
Email: Atul Chandra
Phone: +39 335 6119295 PUBLISHED BY Editorial Team Sales Director
Website: Jay Menon Yulian Ardiansyah Akshay Satyamurthy
Cover images copyright: Vietnam Government Electronic Newspaper