Page 4 - VIETNAM DEFENCE EXPO 2024 - Day 3 | GBP
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                                                                                                                              All Terrain C-RAM Performance

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             Edge Eyeing Growing
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                                                                                                                                     onflicts in Eastern Europe
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             Vietnam Defence Market                                                                                           Cto demonstrate the lethality of
                                                     ence Mark
                                                                                                                                     and the Middle East continue
                                                                                                                              precision targeted rocket, artillery and
                                                                                                                              mortar fire; especially when supported
                                                                                                                              with the real-time target acquisition
                                                                                                                              capabilities afforded by UAVs and
                                                                                                                              drones. The ability to quickly close
                                                                                                                              the firing loop using these small,
                                                                                                                              difficult to counter, aerial surveillance,
                                                                                                                              reconnaissance and targeting tools
                                                                                                                              has made the threat of indirect fire
                                                                                                                              more dangerous than ever.
                                                                                                                              The potential damage is further
                                                                                                                              increased when mobile forces must
                                                                                                                              operate in difficult terrain, where
                                                                                                                              ingress routes are often limited and the
                                                                                                                              enemy is able to focus on choke points
                                                                                                                              and obstacles, natural or engineered.
                                                                                                                              And of course, the threat of direct aerial
                                                                                                                              attack, whether from crewed or
                                                                                                                              un-crewed platforms is always present.
                                                                                                                                                                   Credit: IAI ELTA
                                                                                                                              To overcome these threats, it is
        Abu Dhabi-headquartered Edge Group  solutions that align with the unique  ADSB has also been integrating autono-      imperative that maneuvering forces   sensors and systems subsidiary,     battery fire for an immediate and
        is marking its maiden appearance at  needs of end users. With a proactive  mous technologies into naval platforms,    have the integral ability to detect,   ELTA Systems Ltd. (IAI ELTA),     effective response.
        the ongoing defence show in Hanoi by   approach to addressing the demands of   enabling next-generation capabilities   classify and counter them. They must   leveraged its sixty-year legacy in
        showcasing its rapidly growing portfolio   Vietnam and the broader Asian market,   for surveillance, patrol, and defence   be able to anticipate incoming fire and   radar system design & development   C-MMR delivers the simultaneous
        of cutting-edge defence solutions. The   Edge is demonstrating its willingness   missionsEdge also has a Joint Venture   quickly direct accurate counterfire   and its unique know-how as a    capability to both accurately pinpoint
        UAE-based firm’s presence at Vietnam   to adapt and innovate, reinforcing its   with Fincantieri, known as Maestral. This   to destroy or disrupt the threatening   pioneer in active electronically   the source of enemy fire while at the
        Defence Expo highlights its plans to   position as a trusted global leader in   strategic collaboration has enhanced   batteries. They must also be able   scanned array (AESA) technology to   same time correcting friendly fire,
        engage directly with regional stake-                                   the UAE-based firm’s design portfolio          to detect the dangerous presence     design the ELM-2311 C-MMR.          ensuring quick and efficient target
        holders and offer solutions tailored for   advanced technology and defence solu-  that now includes advanced frigates,   of UAVs and drones, which are     A compact, high performance multi-  destruction. Uniquely, C-MMR
        Vietnam’s diverse operational needs.   tions,” the Group added.        underwater systems, and other sophis-          instrumental in target detection and   mission Doppler radar, CMMR is based   performs both missions in parallel
        Edge is showcasing scale models of its                                 ticated maritime solutions.                    fire control, and which can also serve                                   without the need to switch between
        Rabdan 8x8, Infantry Fighting Vehicle   Edge has rapidly grown into a dominant                                        as guided weapons in their own right.   on IAI ELTA’s highly successful MMR   detection and ranging modes.
        (IFV) in addition to NIMR’s Ajban 452,   force in the global defence industry,   Edge is also one of the global leaders in   There is only one single sensor that   family of radars, with over 170 systems   A single C-MMR can simultaneously
        a lightweight tactical vehicle. Besides   since its establishment in 2019. Over   precision-guided munitions and smart   can provide a solution to this range   in service worldwide and a proven   support up to ten, modern, long-
        presenting its state-ofthe-art cellular   a span of just five years, the Group’s   weapons. Through its entity Halcon,   of requirements – a modern, multi-  combat record as the key sensor in the   range artillery batteries with these
        interception solution, ActivecelL-B, and   product portfolio has grown nearly sev-  Edge now offers the Thunder and Desert   mission C-RAM radar system.   well-known Iron Dome system.        powerful capabilities. In AD mode, the
        the innovative Skyshield counter-drone   en times, from 30 to over 200 solutions   Sting series of precision munitions in                                  Small and light enough for          radar detects and classifies all types
        system, Edge is also showcasing its se-  across air, land, sea, and cyber domains.   addition to loitering munitions such   To deliver the needed capabilities   deployment from a single 6X6 or 8X8   of airborne targets, including UAVs,
        cure communication products, including   Vietnam also has a large requirement   as the Shadow and Hunter weapons.     and performance in a compact,        vehicle and operated by only two    to generate a real-time Air Situation
        the latest Katim handsets and Katim   for maritime systems. Edge’s expertise   Edge has also emerged as a leader      highly mobile package, Israel        crewmembers, this versatile radar   Picture (ASP).
        Gateway network encryption solutions.   also extends to naval systems, where   in development of autonomous sys-      Aerospace Industries' innovative     system is able to escort maneuvering
        These deliver ultra-secure communica-  its local innovation and global collabo-  tems which are a key focus area for                                       forces in challenging terrain and   With its winning combination of
        tions for government and military appli-  rations have delivered advanced plat-  the company, through its entities Adasi,                                  extreme weather, providing an array   performance and mobility, IAI ELTA's
        cations, ensuring operational security   forms. Abu Dhabi Ship Building (ADSB)   Anavia, ADSB, and Milrem Robotics. It                                                                         C-MMR radar gives maneuvering
        in critical environments.           which specialises in the design, con-  now offers a comprehensive portfolio                                            of capabilities that required multiple   forces the offensive and defensive
                                                                                                                                                                   radar types in the past.
                                            struction, and maintenance of advanced   of unmanned systems tailored to di-                                                                               edge needed for success on the
        Edge’s presence at Hanoi underscores   naval vessels is the cornerstone of   verse operational needs. Adasi excels                                         C-MMR operates in two main          modern battlefield.
                                                                               in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV),
        its commitment to expanding its pres-  Edge’s maritime expertise. The com-  providing cutting-edge platforms that                                          modes: Weapons Locating System
        ence in Asia and establishing itself as   pany’s portfolio includes sophisticated   offer real-time intelligence, precision                                (WLS) and Air Defence (AD). In WLS   Set a meeting with our
        a key partner for defence stakeholders   ships such as corvettes, offshore patrol   targeting, and operational adaptabil-                                  mode the radar detects incoming     global air defense experts
        in the region, a company release stated.   vessels, and support crafts and ADSB’s   ity. Milrem Robotics is a global leader                                mortar rounds, artillery shells,
        “By showcasing its cutting-edge portfo-  commitment to innovation and quality   in Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV),                                         rockets and missiles. It calculates   at booth #A111 at
        lio and engaging directly with regional   has ensured that its platforms, like the   while Anavia contributes its expertise                                impact (IP) and launch points (LP),   Vietnam Defense Expo,
                                            Rabdan FA-400, are tailored to the evolv-
        partners, Edge aims to build lasting   ing needs of modern naval operations.   with innovative unmanned helicopters,                                       performing Hostile Weapons Location
        collaborations and deliver tailored                                    including the HT-100.                                                               (HWL) in real time while concurrently   or by contacting us at
                                                                                                                                                                   providing friendly fire ranging (FFR),
         4  DECEMBER-21-2024                                                             WWW.GBP.COM.SG/DAILY NEWS            Credit: IAI ELTA                     facilitating highly accurate counter
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