Page 5 - VIETNAM DEFENCE EXPO 2024 - Day 3 | GBP
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All Terrain C-RAM Performance
onflicts in Eastern Europe
and the Middle East continue
Cto demonstrate the lethality of
precision targeted rocket, artillery and
mortar fire; especially when supported
with the real-time target acquisition
capabilities afforded by UAVs and
drones. The ability to quickly close
the firing loop using these small,
difficult to counter, aerial surveillance,
reconnaissance and targeting tools
has made the threat of indirect fire
more dangerous than ever.
The potential damage is further
increased when mobile forces must
operate in difficult terrain, where
ingress routes are often limited and the
enemy is able to focus on choke points
and obstacles, natural or engineered.
And of course, the threat of direct aerial
attack, whether from crewed or
un-crewed platforms is always present.
Credit: IAI ELTA
To overcome these threats, it is
imperative that maneuvering forces sensors and systems subsidiary, battery fire for an immediate and
have the integral ability to detect,
ELTA Systems Ltd. (IAI ELTA), effective response.
classify and counter them. They must leveraged its sixty-year legacy in
be able to anticipate incoming fire and C-MMR delivers the simultaneous
radar system design & development
quickly direct accurate counterfire and its unique know-how as a capability to both accurately pinpoint
to destroy or disrupt the threatening the source of enemy fire while at the
pioneer in active electronically
batteries. They must also be able scanned array (AESA) technology to same time correcting friendly fire,
to detect the dangerous presence ensuring quick and efficient target
design the ELM-2311 C-MMR.
of UAVs and drones, which are A compact, high performance multi- destruction. Uniquely, C-MMR
instrumental in target detection and mission Doppler radar, CMMR is based performs both missions in parallel
fire control, and which can also serve on IAI ELTA’s highly successful MMR without the need to switch between
as guided weapons in their own right. family of radars, with over 170 systems detection and ranging modes.
There is only one single sensor that in service worldwide and a proven A single C-MMR can simultaneously
can provide a solution to this range combat record as the key sensor in the support up to ten, modern, long-
of requirements – a modern, multi- well-known Iron Dome system. range artillery batteries with these
mission C-RAM radar system. powerful capabilities. In AD mode, the
Small and light enough for radar detects and classifies all types
To deliver the needed capabilities deployment from a single 6X6 or 8X8 of airborne targets, including UAVs,
and performance in a compact,
vehicle and operated by only two to generate a real-time Air Situation
highly mobile package, Israel crewmembers, this versatile radar Picture (ASP).
Aerospace Industries' innovative system is able to escort maneuvering
With its winning combination of
forces in challenging terrain and
performance and mobility, IAI ELTA's
extreme weather, providing an array
C-MMR radar gives maneuvering
of capabilities that required multiple
forces the offensive and defensive
radar types in the past.
edge needed for success on the
C-MMR operates in two main modern battlefield.
modes: Weapons Locating System
Set a meeting with our
(WLS) and Air Defence (AD). In WLS
mode the radar detects incoming
mortar rounds, artillery shells, global air defense experts
rockets and missiles. It calculates at booth #A111 at
impact (IP) and launch points (LP),
performing Hostile Weapons Location Vietnam Defense Expo,
(HWL) in real time while concurrently or by contacting us at
providing friendly fire ranging (FFR),
Credit: IAI ELTA facilitating highly accurate counter