Page 16 - AAA JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2012 Online Magazine
P. 16

Headline News

       Gama set for Sharjah expansion

                                                                                         troduction  of  Gama,  His
                                                                                         Excellency  Abdulwahab  Al
                                                                                         Roomi, Director General, De-
                                                                                         partment  of  Civil  Aviation
                                                                                         said: “We are pleased to have
                                                                                         as  reputed  an  organization
                                                                                         as  Gama  operating  at  Shar-
                                                                                         jah  International  Airport.
                                                                                         Their presence will bring in
                                                                                         the  expertise  that  we  were
                                                                                         seeking  with  regard  to  Ex-
                                                                                         ecutive Jet Handling.  We are
                                                                                         confident that through Gama
                                                                                         the advantages and potential
                                                                                         of  Sharjah  as  a  business  Jet
                                                                                         hub will be highlighted and
                                                                                         utilised  to  the  maximum,
                                                                                         and we see this partnership
         Dave Edwards, managing director Gama Aviation                                   reaping rich dividend to both
         FZE and His Excellency Abdulwahab Al Roomi,                                     organizations.”
         Director General, Department of Civil Aviation
                                                                                           These  sentiments  were
                                                                                         echoed  by  Gama  officials:
       Gama  Aviation,  the  global  opment  relationship  with  movements  each  year.      Its  “We  are  delighted  to  be
       business  aviation  and  ser-  the  Sharjah  International  ease of access makes it one of  providing our FBO services
       vices  company,  announced  Airport management team.  the most efficient and easy to  at  Sharjah  International.

       in late January that it will  Sharjah,  the  oldest  airport  use airports in the region.   The opportunities for busi-
       take  responsibility  for  all  in the Emirates, can trace its   Sharjah  is  closer  to  the  ness aviation at the airport
       business  aircraft  handling  heritage back to 1932, but the  business  district  of  Dubai  are  superb  and  the  infra-
       at  Sharjah  International  existing airport was built in  than the new World Central  structure  lends  itself  to  a
       Airport  with  the  creation  the 1970s.  Throughout all of  Airport  (43  minutes  by  road)  quick  and  efficient  service
       of a brand new FBO (Fixed  this, Sharjah’s efficiency and  which  is  scheduled  to  be-  –  meaning  that  passengers
       Base Operation).           ease of use has been promi-  come Dubai’s main business  don’t  waste  valuable  time
          The news follows on from  nent, which means that the  airport  this  year.    As  such,  hanging  around  in  depar-
       a  commitment  made  with  average  landing  to  chocks  Gama says Sharjah Interna-  ture lounges.  The airport’s
       the  Sharjah  Department  on time is an enviable aver-  tional Airport is already be-  location  is  very  convenient
       of  Civil  Aviation  with  the  age of just six minutes.   ing  recognised  as  an  excel-  for  Sharjah,  the  Northern
       aim of encouraging and fa-    Its appeal is the availabil-  lent  practical  alternative  by  Emirates  and  particularly
       cilitating  business  aviation  ity of slots and its location -  base customers and overseas  for  passengers  travelling
       growth.    Gama  Aviation  is  conveniently located just 20  business and private visitors  to  Dubai.    With  the  ability
       providing a dedicated team  minutes by road from down-  to  Dubai  and  the  Northern  for clients to drive directly
       24/7, 365 days a year, to man-  town Dubai, or five minutes  Emirates.            to  their  aircraft  like  most
       age business aviation traffic,  by  helicopter.    Gama  Avia-  The  FBO  team  is  to  be  European  and  American
       in  a  move  that  will  see  the  tion  has  been  instrumental  headed  by  Jeremy  Mitch-  business airports it is a very
       company  expand  into  FBO  in  expanding  the  airport’s  ell, who joins Gama having  good  option,”  said  Dave
       management  for  the  first  business  aviation  activity  been  Manager,  Operations  Edwards,  Managing  Direc-
       time in the Middle East and  with  a  number  of  its  UAE  for  Sharjah  Aviation  Ser-  tor  of  Gama  Aviation  FZE.
       North Africa region.       fleet  based  there  and  to-  vices and, prior to moving to  ‘’Sharjah  has  less  capacity
          Gama has been operating  day, together with LCC and  Sharjah, as a senior manager  restraints  and  no  slot  re-
       at  Sharjah  since  2004  and  freight  activity,  the  airport  with a number of handling  strictions, making it perfect
       during  that  time  has  built  handles  growing  and  sub-  agent companies in the UK.  for the specific demands of
       up a strong business devel-  stantial  business  aviation   Speaking  about  the  in-  business aviation.”

       16  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  January/February 2012                               
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