Page 20 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2015 Online Magazine
P. 20


        Revolutionary Tower

        Saab’s remote tower technology is gaining momentum
        By JK Chandra
                                            IN  THE  FIRST  EVER  INSTANCE  OF  AIR   greater efficiency and marks the start of
                                            traffic control being operated remotely;     an exciting development to which Saab
                                            in April this year, an airplane landed  at   has a lot to offer”, states Håkan Buskhe,
                                            Sweden’s Örnsköldsvik Airport after being   President and CEO of Saab.
                                            controlled using a Remote Tower Service   Potential market segments identified
                                            (RTS). Today, all air traffic services at   by the company for remote tower ATC
                                            the airport are provided from a remote   services are oil & gas, Aerodrome
                                            tower centre located at Sundsvall airport,   Flight Information Services (AFIS) for
                                            located 150 km away! Saab and Swedish   aerodromes and small airports which are
                                            Air Navigation Service Provider (LFV) have   not busy enough for full ATC facilities. The
        Saab’s remote tower                 taken a decade to develop RTS technology   important markets however, are regional
        solutions, with its                 and the remote tower at Sundsvall is   and local airports along with larger
        sophisticated technology            operated by LFV. “We see a great interest   airports which could see a need for 20
        and uncluttered layout with         from both small and large airports that   and 50 systems. More than 30 customers
        extensive use of digital
        technology are a glimpse            have a need for Remote Tower Services   worldwide  have  expressed  interest
        into the future of Air Traffic      in order to address the challenges that   in remote tower services.  The fourth
        Control                             they face. This system contributes toward   quarter of this year, will see another Saab

        20   ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  MAY / JUNE 2015                         WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM
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