Page 21 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2015 Online Magazine
P. 21


        RTS being set-up at Linköping Airport in   along with images of the airport being   and flight plan displays, electronic flight
        Sweden. The airport will be the third in the   monitored to a remote ATC. The data   strips, OTW view, airport systems control
        county to install this system. Saab remote   from the sensors located at the airport   and PTZ control.
        tower (r-TWR) solutions are already   is transmitted to the RTC, delivering a   An important aspect of the r-TWR
        operational at airports in Sundsvall and   360-degree real-time view of the airport.   is the enhanced situational awareness
        Örnsköldsvik, both airports received   This information is transmitted in real   it  provides to  the  ATCO in  low visibility
        their  approval for  operations,  late last   time and displayed on TV monitors at the   conditions  with features such  as; on-
        year. Work on an r-TWR proof of concept,   remote centre. The images are captured   screen object tracking and alerting, IR
        began a decade ago in 2006. From 2008,   by a number of environmentally protected   vision and image enhancement, all being
        Saab commenced operations from a    remote sensors located across the airport   part of the picture presented to the ATCO.
        remotely operated tower test set-up. This   to be monitored. Each housing contains   Despite the all-digital work environment,
        resulted in the Ängelholm Airport, being   14 high definition cameras which include   the controller work stations are equipped
        controlled from 100 km away by the r-TWR   pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ) cameras, optical,   with the same controls as a normal tower,
        at Malmö-Sturup Airport. The award   electro-optical (EO) and infrared (IR)   substantially reducing training times
        for  a  pilot  implementation  project  at  the   cameras and a signal light gun and an   and  time taken to  get an  r-TWR  system
        airports in Sundsvall and Örnsköldsvik   acoustic sensor. An important aspect, is   operational. Future developments will
        was awarded in January 2011. The RTC   the  glare of  sunlight  in the  pictures  and   provide a single CWP the ability to switch
        was  located  at  Sundsvall  and  the  entire   this is prevented by special filters fitted   between different r-TWR which could
        system was delivered in December, 2013   on the cameras. Information collected   be well suited for military maintenance
        and operational use began in Q2 of 2014.   by all the sensors is captured and sent   bases, oil rigs and heliports with very low
        Saab is also working with Airservices   to the r-TWR. The capture, compression,   traffic density. The OTW view can also be
        Australia to deploy an r-TWR solution for   transmission and decompression of data   configured to display information from
        non-operational evaluation. This will see   from  source  to  recipient,  all  takes  place   three different airports.
        ATC tasks for the airport at Alice Springs   with an end-to-end delay of less than
        being performed by an r-TWR solution   a second.  The information is crunched
        deployed at Adelaide, 1500 km away. This   using high-end software and complicated
        particular installation of the remote tower   algorithms, before being presented in an
        ATC also incorporates visual tracking.   easy to read on-screen representation
        Validation trials are presently underway.   as an Out the Window (OTW) view on   ABOvE LEFT & RIghT:
                                                                                Images are captured by a
           Remote Tower Services are made up   multiple screens. This information is for   number of environmentally
        of a number of components. There are   the use of the Air Traffic Control Officer   protected remote sensors
        a number  of specialised  cameras  and   (ATCO) working at the Controller Working   located across the airport.
        sensors installed at the airport to transmit   Position (CWP). The CWP systems include,   Each housing contains 14
        images  and  air  traffic  information   voice communication, radar, weather   high definition cameras
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