Page 22 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2015 Online Magazine
P. 22


             The Scootitude Boss

             Chen Chuanren travels to Seattle to witness the delivery of Singapore’s first Boeing 787 to Scoot and
             interviews Scoot CEO Campbell Wilson

                                            “WE  WERE  ON  A  FLIGHT  BACk  FROM   “Scootitude was not a silly name but part
                                            Tokyo  on New  Year’s  Eve  and  decided   of a branding that we can call our own and
                                            to have a competition to sell duty free   how it is different from our competitors.”
                                            products.  Whoever  sold the  maximum   he said.
                                            would become Chief Executive of the    When asked if Scootitude is a reflection
                                            company for the rest of the year,” said   of his personality, Campbell’s highlighted
                                            Scoot CEO, Campbell Wilson. Wilson   his core value of egalitarian and he hopes
                                            eventually lost the race. Thankfully since   the informality is his personality. It is
                                            it was around 8 PM on that Dec 31 evening,   how he wants the company, and how the
                                            the winner had to contend with being the   company would resonate with the target
                                            head of the airline for just four hours.   market. “ Scootitude, which I came up
                                               Known   to   be   informal  and  with, what has become a brand has
                                            spontaneous, “Campbell” as what all his   originated from my personality and now
                                            employees call him by, is sometimes seen   it is a brand everyone has contributed to.
                                            on flights serving drinks  and  dressed in   Building it beyond me, but it had to start
                                            Halloween costume last year.        somewhere.  You  recruit  to  the  vision,
                                               The fun attitude is part of Scoot’s   and they contribute to their vision, and it
                                            branding, known as Scootitude, where   becomes theirs.”
                                            crew and employees are encouraged      “It is like a pearl in an oyster, the pearl
                                            to  be  honest,  vibrant  and  spontaneous.   creeps around a sand in the beginning,
        22   ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  MAY / JUNE 2015                         WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM
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