Page 18 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2015 Online Magazine
P. 18


        an “entirely innovative, luxurious and   black to transparent.          on passenger comfort, while at the same
        integrated  cabin  concept  for  short-  and   Zodiac  Aerospace  revealed  its  time looking at lighter seats for reduced
        medium-haul aircraft.” The next few   upgraded Fusio super business class seat   aircraft weights, leading to improved fuel
        months will see the design concept being   at the Aircraft Interiors Expo, in Hamburg.   economy and lower CO2 emissions,” says
        further refined and evaluation of the   The seat was first unveiled at the Expo last   Dr. Mark Hiller, Chief Executive Officer and
        market for such a product. “The purpose   year. The Fusio offers increased privacy   Shareholder of Recaro Aircraft Seating, in
        of our cooperation with Mercedes-Benz   along with direct aisle access for each   an interview with Asian Airlines & Airports.
        Style is to unite the two companies’   passenger and an attractive and efficient
        innovative expertise in the areas of   business class cabin density. The Zodiac   AAA: What are the trends that
        design and technology. Our goal is to   Fusio aims to offer the comfort of a first   Recaro identifies with regards to
        offer a highly discerning global clientele   class seat while occupying the space of a   the future of Economy & Premium
        a standard of interior design  that leaves   business class seat. With an aim to bring   Economy seats on jetliners?
        nothing to be desired. Whether for   the Fusio to the market at the earliest,   Dr.  Mark  hiller:  Economy  class  seats
        private or business use, our modular   Zodiac is now scouting for a launch   have become slimmer and they also lost
        completion concept perfectly fits every   customer for the seat says that interest   weight in the past years. As reducing
        purpose,” said Walter Heerdt, Senior Vice   in the Fusio is strong. The Fusio will be   CO2 emissions becomes more and
        President VIP & Executive Jet Solutions,   feature a monitor that can go up to 27”, a   more important, airlines also have the
        Lufthansa Technik AG. The avant-garde   sofa type bed, a one piece table up to 20”   pressure to reduce the weight of an
        cabin concept features and organic and   x 15” and a coat room for each passenger.   aircraft. Furthermore, due to competitive
        homogenous interior cabin, inspired by a   Recaro Aircraft Seating is one of the   constraints, many airlines are making
        DNA helix. The concealed cabin windows   leaders in the aircraft seating market and   optimal use of the available cabin space in
        obtain their inspiration from the design   is looking at growing at a rate of 10 percent   order to remain profitable.
        on the MercedesBenz S-Class, providing   this  year. The  company offers  a wide   These requirements can be met by:
        a floating effect and innovative Mercedes-  range of aircraft seats across categories   • increasing the number of seats abreast
        Benz  Magic  Sky  technology  allows  the   for  single  aisle and  twin-aisle  airplanes.     with varying seat widths
        panels to be dimmed electrically from   “Airlines continue to place an emphasis   • reducing the seat pitch, i.e. the distance

        18   ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  MAY / JUNE 2015                         WWW.ASIANAIRLINES-AIRPORTS.COM
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