Page 19 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2015 Online Magazine
P. 19


        between two seat rows. By doing so, the   Dr. Mark hiller: Each business class seat   generation seats be catered for?
        airlines can increase the total number of   has to be profitable for the airline. The   Dr. Mark  hiller: With the introduction
        seats                               new Recaro CL6710 is the extraordinary   of the latest technology, the cooling
        •  installing  lighter  seats  which  are  also   combination of outstanding features   requirements  for  electronics  are
        slimmer.                            with  an  attractive  business  case.  The   decreasing. Recaro Aircraft Seating
                                            innovative  cabin  concept  perfectly  has developed smart solutions how to
        At the same time airlines place emphasis   balances demands for a premium   integrate electrical components into the
        on offering their passengers more comfort   business class. The centrepiece is the   seats without compromising the living
        with the new seats. Recaro has made it a   arrangement  of the seats.  It allows an   space and the passenger comfort: For
        mission to meet the requirements of cost   efficient ratio of pitch to bed length of 1 to   example, positioning  the  IFE box in a
        efficient and more eco-friendly solutions   1.8. With a bed length of 78 to 82 inches,   space-saving pancake design under the
        on the one hand and customer-oriented,   a full flat bed, and direct aisle access for   seat pan results in an exceptional amount
        comfortable products on the other. When   every passenger, the CL6710 meets high   of passenger legroom.
        developing new products, we lay stress   standards. Not only the cabin concept,
        on the fact that passengers should not   but the combination of many features
        perceive the weight reduction of the   make this seat an efficient business class
        product, we focus at the same time on   product: excellent living space, various
        comfort, ergonomic optimization based on   stowage  space  opportunities,  premium
        scientific research, as well as on the high   comfort, the possibility of a high density   ABOvE LEFT: Dr. Mark Hiller,
        quality and reliability of our products.As   cabin layout, as well as low weight.  Chief Executive Officer and
        to premium economy class seats: There   Furthermore, with the new business   Shareholder of Recaro Aircraft
        is a growing market worldwide for the   class, Recaro is placing great emphasis
        premium economy class as an additional   on easy maintenance. The overall seat is   ABOvE RIghT: Airbus and
        segment between economy and business   less complex and has fewer moving parts.   Recaro Aircraft Seating will
        class. Airlines look for specific seats in   The quality is characterized by durability   offer a supplier-furnished-
        this segment which give passengers more   and reliability. To facilitate maintenance,   equipment (SFE) Economy
        living space, improved comfort and larger   the seat provides easy access to parts   class seat option in the
        monitors rather than merely installing   like  bumpers  and  side  panels.  The   “3530Swift” for the first time –
        economy class seats with an increased   replacement of these parts can be carried   on A320 Family aircraft. It will
        seat pitch.                         out without  special tools.  No tools are   be available for line-fit and
                                                                                retrofit this year
                                            needed for relevant components such as
        AAA: What are the most important    the three actuators as they feature a quick   OPPOSITE: Recaro Aircraft
        factors when it comes to a Business   release mechanism.                Seating received the “German
        class seat when it comes to balancing   AAA: how will the power         Design Award 2015” for the
        cost and features and also the      consumption and cooling needs for   outstanding design of its
        maintenance costs of such seats?    the electronics on present and next   CL6710 business class seat
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