Page 33 - AAA JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2017 Online Magazine
P. 33


                                                                                The largest MRO opportunities
                                                                                will be present  in Dubai,  Abu
                                                                                Dhabi and Doha

        their  processes  towards  new  generation   Swiss MRO provider SR  Technics.  The new   Technics  is  one  of  the  leading  component
        airplanes,  which  will  undoubtedly  impact   facility will provide SR  Technics a foothold   services providers of A320 and B737, and
        MRO dynamics in the region. According to   in  the training  market for  the region  and   both new aircraft models A320neo and
        ICF International, “The largest opportunities   complement its existing training facilities   B737MAX are part of its product portfolio.
        exist in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Doha, leading   in Zurich, Switzerland.  The company had   Another  of  Mubadala’  s  investments
        to future joint ventures and increased OEM   been providing employee basic maintenance   that is delivering on its promise is Strata
        presence.” Saudi Arabia Is the largest market   training and type rating training, to numerous   Manufacturing, an advanced composite
        for aircraft parts  in the  Middle  East region   airlines in the region since 2008. “SR   aero-structures manufacturing company,
        and MRO providers based in the country   Technics’  modern training  center in  Abu   that is wholly owned by Mubadala. In October,
        have benefited from the stunning growth and   Dhabi attracts new and existing customers   last year it delivered on its first contract with
        expansion of airlines in the Middle East. The   within the region and beyond. Masdar City,   Saab, by supplying its first shipset of A350
        rapid growth of numerous Middle Eastern   where the training center is located, is a   – 1000 Flap Support Fairings (FSFs) which
        airlines has created a demand for parts and   progressive  hub  for  educational,  technical   were delivered to Airbus. The first shipset
        repair stations, which has fuelled Saudi   and scientific institutions, so it provides   was delivered through Saab business unit
        Arabia’s aerospace parts import growth   an inspiring learning environment for high   Saab Aerostructures to Airbus, following
        and will continue to do so for at least the   quality technical training. Furthermore, we   the Strata- Saab announcement made in
        next decade. There are six Federal Aviation   work closely with our customers to design   June last year during the Paris airshow,
        Authority (FAA) certified MRO facilities   tailor made training solutions to incorporate   further demonstrating Strata’s capabilities
        in Saudi Arabia and the country was the   client specific training needs,” says Stephan   in the composite manufacturing industry.
        leading  importer  of  U.S.  aircraft  parts  (civil   Wiegelmann, Head of Training Services, SR   Strata remains the only company in the Gulf
        and military) within a region. U.S. aerospace   Technics.               that manufactures aircraft components for
        parts exports to Saudi Arabia have averaged     The Mubadala Development Company   companies such as Airbus and Boeing.
        over  US$1.5  billion  annually  between   (Mubadala) which is owned by the   Innovative MRO solutions are now
        2004 and 2013, as per a report by the U.S.   Government of Abu Dhabi, has made some   beginning to emerge from the region and
        Department of Commerce, International   important strategic investments in the   in November, last year, a groundbreaking
        Trade Administration.               aerospace domain and in July, last year,   prototype device that uses advanced
                                            Mubadala agreed to sell 80 percent of its   thermal  imaging  to  detect  stresses,
        Looking Within                      shares in SR Technics to HNA Aviation, while   fractures and cavities on and inside
        There will also be a substantial spike in   retaining a 20 percent stake in the company.   aerospace structures, was the result
        demand for trained manpower and one of   SR Technics has benefited to a substantial   of research and collaboration between
        the most recent developments in the region   extent from the support of Mubadala, which   researchers at the Masdar Institute of
        was the inauguration of a new world-class   has been critical to its development, ever   Science  and  Technology,  Mubadala  and
        training center in Masdar City, Abu Dhabi, by   since becoming a shareholder in 2006. SR   Strata. Developed to test components made
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