Page 24 - AAA MAY - JUNE 2019 Online Magazine
P. 24



        on Success


           Arun Sivasankaran
        With  offerings  such  as  Airvolution,  AARive,
        and the PAARTs store, and the promise of
        more to come, independent MRO major AAR’s
        Digital Services is buzzing with activity. While
        the PAARTs store, a one-stop shop for over 1
        million new and used parts in AAR’s inventory,   If a digitized process were to make us more efficient and more
        and AARive, which is a self-service portal for   profitable but, in any way, negatively impact our safety posture,
        the company’s power-by-the-hour (PBH) com-   we would not pursue that avenue. Safety is and always will be
        ponent support customers, were launched in   our top priority.
        2017, Airvolution, a cloud-based solution for
        component repairs, was introduced into the  How easy or difficult is it for independent MROs
        market in October last year. Company officials  like AAR to have access to big data?
        say more launches are in the offing.         Jim Gross - Data ownership has and will be the key to determining
                                                     the correct level of data users have access to. The big question
        The company has also been increasingly using  is who owns the data and what do they want to do with it. Does
        new technologies in its MRO operations as  the OEM own it as they have IP in place, or do the operators/car-
        well, and over the last year, has worked with  riers own the real-time data as they are the ones generating, or
        a number of drone technology providers for  do independent MROs like AAR own a portion of the data as they
        aircraft inspections. AAR’s IT platforms include  now have a vested interest from a repair perspective? There are
        StAAR (Strategic Tools by AAR), APRISe (AAR  many different ways to consume, digest, and interpret data, but
        Performance Reporting Information System),  until data ownership topics are sorted out, an independent platform
        and IMOPS (Inventory Management and Order  may not prove fruitful.
        Processing System).
                                                     What makes Airvolution stand out? How has the
        In an interview with Arun Sivasankaran, lead-  industry reacted to the offering?
        ers of AAR’s digital services team discuss   Matt Kammerait, Digital Product Management Director AAR-
        issues ranging from big data, data ownership,   Airvolution is a cloud-based, self-service system offered by AAR
        cybersecurity and new initiatives.
                                                     with a highly user-friendly experience created from decades of
                                                     experience managing enterprise resource planning (ERP). Users
        Edited Excerpts from the Interview:
                                                     have full transparency into the component repair process to improve
        What are some of the major                   efficiency and they receive full-service support integrated into the
                                                     system on an ongoing or ad-hoc basis. Every aspect of the process
        benefits that digitization offers            can be managed in one place, including price quotes, suppliers and
        MRO companies?                               contracts, warranty claims, goal-setting and benchmarking, as well
        Jim Gross, Chief Information Officer AAR -   as price comparisons to ensure they are getting the best value.
        Some major benefits of digitization efforts   It is also unique in that it serves both commercial and govern-
        in the MRO space are enhanced quality,       ment customers and has no restrictions on aircraft type, including
        increased efficiencies and lower costs. AAR   helicopters and business jets. Airvolution is fully secure, provides
        is continuing to monitor and assess the      two-way feedback with existing business systems and offers scal-
        effect of our digitization efforts and look   ability for ongoing systems development and easy endpoints for
        forward to the continued benefits they bring.   integration.

        24 | May/June 2019                                                         WWW .GBP .COM.SG/ AAA
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