Page 20 - AAA January / February 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 20

United Airlines was an early target for the MD-12.

        Airlines (10) Delta Air Lines (10),  The three-engine model had         children’s play area, showers
        Federal Express (12), China         reached its limit as it was         and even a light exercise area
        Airlines (four), Swissair (eight),   already 11ft (3.35m) longer        with shower”—claims repeated
        Japan Airlines (20), Korean Air     than a 747-400, a length that       eight years later for the Airbus
        (10), and EVA Air (20).             required structural strengthen-     A380.
        By March 1992 the fabric of         ing. Another issue, as explained
        the deal was showing signs          by Douglas in a presentation to     When shown the
        of strain as it became torn by      Air France in June 1992, was        onboard gym the then
        political interference. At the time,   that the weight of the engines in
                                            the tail position was becoming a  Chairman of Korean
        Chang candidly disclosed that
        the Taiwan deal was “the most       serious problem, and there were     Airlines Cho said “no
        complicated set of negotiations     significant bending relief advan-   way we will have a
        I, or my colleagues, have ever      tages for a four-engine aircraft    Mahjong parlor!
        been involved in.” By refusing      with the MD-12’s massive wing.
        to confront senatorial questions    Then George Field, vice pres-
        over loss of US jobs, senior        ident-general manager of the        As Douglas unveiled the new
        executives at Douglas impeded       MD-12 program, told media that      project, the Taiwan government
        progress.                           another issue was that “the tri-jet   gave its approval for the joint
                                            was 7% better than the 747-400
        The same executives could not       in direct operating costs [DOC]     venture after Vincent Siew, the
        avoid airline inquiries about the   per trip but 5% worse in DOC        country’s economic minister,
        growth potential of the MD-12,      per seat mile—because of the        presented a favourable report.
        and were forced into a com-         747’s higher seat capacity.”        John Wolf, Douglas executive
        plete redesign of the aircraft. In                                      vice president, said that MDC
        April 1992, Douglas unveiled        In the Air France presentation,     was “very encouraged,” and that
        a four-engine, double-decker        Douglas touted the spacious-        “negotiations with other partners
        MD-12 that would carry 511          ness of the double-deck MD-12       were going very well.” While
        passengers in a three-class         with suggestions of game rooms,  Douglas management revelled in
        configuration.                      a duty-free shopping area, a        the news beneath the Californian

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