Page 17 - AAA January / February 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 17

Air India will also completely      and Managing Director, Airbus       becoming one of the top 30
        refurbish the interiors of its      India and South Asia. Airbus will   leading airlines in the world, by
        older aircraft - 27 B787-8 and      partner with GMR Aero Technic       the turn of this decade. Akasa’s
        13 B777s), with work slated to      to offer Aircraft Maintenance       remarkable growth testifies the
        begin later this year as part of    Engineering training courses at     sheer promise that India holds
        a $400 million initiative. As part   the latter’s facility in Hyderabad  as an aviation market, and we
        of the cabin refurbishment, all                                         are thrilled to be a part of this
        43 jetliners will be fitted with    New Entrant                         journey,” Dube, adds.
        brand-new seats in every cabin,
        new IFE systems, and inflight       A new entrant in India’s civil      Akasa Air’s initial order of 72
        Wi-Fi internet connectivity. While   aviation market is Akasa Air,      Boeing 737 MAX jetliners was
        Air India will retain the First     which has now been in operation     made in 2021, followed by an
        Class cabins on these aircraft,     for over a year and garnered a      order for four additional aircraft
        it will also introduce Premium      respectable market share of just    in June 2023. This made for
        Economy cabins.  Air India has      over 4% in its first year of opera-  total orders for 76 LEAP-1B-
        stated that 33% of its widebody     tions. The carrier is emerging as   powered 737-8 and 737-8-200
        fleet will be upgraded by March     a viable contender in India’s civil   jetliners (23 737-8s and 53
        2024 and its entire long-haul       aviation market, competing with     737-8-200s). The airline has
        fleet will be equipped with new     other Low Cost Carrier’s (LCC)      observed 15-20% better fuel
        aircraft over the next two-and-a-   such as Air India Express and       efficiency on its LEAP-powered
        half years.                         SpiceJet, which have a market       jetliners. Akasa Air’s fleet size
                                            share of 7.1% and 5.5% respec-      is slated to grow to 28 by March
                                            tively. Market leader IndiGo
        Training Day                        however, is out of reach with a     2024 and grow to 52 by 2027.
        Airbus and Air India announced      dominating 62% share of the         The new order for 150 aircraft,
                                                                                takes the airlines orderbook to
        in January, that they had come      Indian domestic market.             226 airplanes. The airline pres-
        together in a 50:50 joint venture                                       ently operates 22 aircraft and
        to launch a world-class pilot       “We remain confident                the remaining 204 aircraft on its
        training centre in Gurugram,        in our path to becom-               orderbook are slated for deliv-
        Haryana. Current plans call for                                         ery by 2032. The latest order
        training of 5,000 new pilots over  ing one of the top 30                comprises 737 MAX 10 and 737
        10 years at the new Tata Airbus     leading airlines in the             MAX 8-200 jets.
        Training Centre, which will offer   world, by the turn
        A320 and A350 flight training       of this decade,” said
        with 10 Full Flight Simulators                                          Akasa Air also became the
        (FFS). Training activities at the   Vinay Dube, Akasa                   first Asian carrier to induct the
        Tata Airbus Training Centre are     Air’s Founder and CEO.              high-capacity variant of the 737
        due to commence early next                                              MAX when it took delivery of its
                                                                                20th aircraft, a 737-8-200 (regis-
        year, with the initial installation of   Akasa Air has also joined Air   tration VT YAV), in August 2023.
        four A320 FFS.
                                            India and IndiGo in making large  The larger 737-8-200 will be
                                            fleet orders. The carrier which     used to drive Akasa Air’s inter-
        “As the fastest expanding avi-      completed one year of opera-        national operations, since it has
        ation market in the world, India    tions in August 2023, announced  also met Indian airline regula-
        will need 41,000 pilots and         a firm order of 150 Boeing 737      tions, in which domestic carriers
        47,000 technicians in the next      MAX single-aisle jetliners at       must have at least 20 aircraft in
        20 years to support this growth.    the Wings India 2024 airshow.       their fleet to become eligible for
        The pilot training centre with Air   Akasa Air is the only Indian car-  international operations. The car-
        India and the maintenance train-    rier to have grown its order book  rier is planning on using its new
        ing partnership with GMR are a      to more than 200 aircraft within    aircraft to grow operations in
        testament to Airbus’ commitment  17 months of commencing oper-          India as also beginning flights on
        to developing human capital,’       ations. Large and historic aircraft  international routes to the Middle
        said Rémi Maillard, President       order puts Akasa on a path of       East and Southeast Asia.•

        ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                                    JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2024 | 17
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