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sun, a dark cloud was looming       Chang. With actions described       increased market share over
        over corporate headquarters in      by Chang as “very embarrass-        the period, MDC was the odd
        St Louis, Missouri.                 ing,” MDC began to equivocate,      man out and couldn’t compete.
                                            and then retreat. The Taiwanese
                                                                                Ultimately the company decided
        According to Chang,
        “                                   thought they were being duped       that the MD-12 investment did
                                                                                not make sense given these
                                            and politics took over. The trade
        John McDonnell
                                            media headlines told the story
                                                                                realities, and even if they had
        suddenly found that                 ‘Taiwanese Waffling’ or ‘Taiwan     gone to the next steps, the other
        this deal was for real              Seeks MD-12 Rethink’. “But          partners were leery of the long
                                                                                time-frame to see returns on
                                            this was simply not the case,”
        and that MDC would                  asserted Chang.                     their investment. That is some-
        have to bet its future              Indeed, John McDonnell con-         thing that is difficult for investors
        on the success of                   firmed to the author Chang’s        outside the aerospace industry
                                                                                to stomach.”
        the MD-12, since MDC would          statement than it was MDC that
        still be responsible for 51% of     abandoned the deal. McDonnell       Part of the problem for
        Douglas’s future financial needs.   said in an email statement,         McDonnell was that the US
        Such a bold move is complicated     “(The) objective was to make        stock market, driven by short-
        and risky—it was very, very         the project a worldwide consor-     term profits, never warmed to
        sobering for John.                  tium with Taiwan a big player.      the Taiwan association. MDC’s
                                            However, the reasons the pro-       stock had slumped from a high
        “The problem was simple. You        gram didn’t go forward were         near $75 in November 1991 to
        have to bet the farm every time     related to the deterioration of the  $38 in June 1992.
        you build a new commercial          market at that time and MDC’s
        aircraft. MDC blamed the Taiwan     financial position. With the lever-  Steven F Udvar-Hazy,
        side, but that is simply not the    age Airbus had with government      founder and then president of
        way it happened,” revealed          subsidies and Boeing had with       International Lease Finance
                                                                                Corporation (ILFC), responding
                                                                                to the collapse of the MD-12
                                                                                and the slashing of 21,000 jobs
                                                                                at Douglas, told The Wall Street
                                                                                Journal early in 1993,

                                                                                “not only do they
                                                                                [MDC] have to con-
                                                                                vince airlines that their
                                                                                hardware is good but

                                                                                they must also con-
                                                                                vince them that the
                                                                                company has a long-
                                                                                term commitment to
                                                                                commercial aviation
                                                                                and will stand behind
                                                                                the product—and that
                                                                                is sometimes tougher.”

                                                                                In fact, it was too tough with a
                          McDonnell Douglas executives discuss                  merger with Boeing the only way
                        the MD-12 Business Class with airline chiefs.           out in 1997.•

        ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                                    JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2024 | 21
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