Page 19 - AAA January / February 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 19

Concept Illustration of the
                                                original three-engine MD-12X

        “We couldn’t get in at Airbus,”     by Chang and the Douglas            costs 40% lower than those of
        Chang told the author, “and         sales team to the MDC board         the USA, MDC appeared victo-
                                                                                rious. The Wall Street Journal
                                            in October 1991. At that gather-
        “                                   ing, the board decided to make      commented:
        Boeing was getting stronger.
                                            formal proposals to airlines for
        An alliance was the                 the MD-12 and create Douglas        “In one move, the
                                            Global—an alliance of mainly
                                                                                weakest of the big
        only way we could                   Asia-based aerospace compa-         three worldwide
        survive. We had                     nies—to fund its development.       makers of jetliners
        been talking to the                 Chang recalled, “We believed        would turn the huge
                                            that the MD-12 would take $5
        Taiwanese for two                   billion to develop and we wanted    industry on its ear,
        years in an informal                to sell 49% of Douglas to a con-    with implications for
        way, but serious                    sortium. We reached agreement       the US trade balance,
        discussions started                 with Taiwan Aerospace, which        domestic employment
                                            would coordinate Taiwan’s aero-
        in 1990.”                           space industries to take around     and the transfer of
                                            25% of the equity, and they
        Another option canvassed was        would take as much production       technology abroad.”
        Lockheed, which had departed        work as possible. They would
        from the commercial aircraft        also buy 50 MD-12s, which was       And it was employment and
        market after the heavy losses       important, because they would       technology issues that domi-
        incurred with the TriStar pro-      make progress payments to           nated the media. Trade journals
        gram. Douglas officials revealed    help fund the building of the       such as Aviation Week & Space
        in October 1989 that talks had      aircraft. With the other Asian      Technology called on the US
        taken place, and that the MD-12     and European partners, we had       government to take a second
        could be built at Lockheed’s        the 49%. Mitsui in Japan would      and third look at the deal which
        Georgia plant.                      also buy between ten and 20         it labelled “bad for the American

        MDC was finding it extremely        MD-12s”—and provide additional  economy.”
        difficult to reverse the effects    financing for airline purchases.    While much ill-informed debate
        of years of neglect and a lack                                          raged about the technology
        of investment in tooling and        The MD-12’s wing and fuselage       transfer, according to a MD-12
        research and development. Asia,  would be built in Taiwan with          marketing plan Douglas had
        with its modern plant, high work    Douglas responsible for design,     secured 94 orders from eight
        ethic, as well as lower costs,      final assembly, and flight test.    airlines with a further 41 ‘poten-
        was looking more like the per-      With labour accounting for one-     tial orders’ from eight customers.
        fect— and only—solution. That       third of the cost of developing a   The airlines that had committed
        ‘perfect solution’ was presented    new aircraft and Taiwan’s labour    to the MD-12 were: American

        ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                                    JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2024 | 19
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