Page 30 - AAA March / April 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 30

patents are U.S. com-               Urban Air Traffic Management
        panies Joby Aviation,               (Urban ATM) software solution
                                            for fleet and vertiport operators,
        Wisk Aero, and Beta                 and future service providers,
        Air. As the range of                including Air Navigation Service
        most eVTOL proto-                   Providers (ANSPs).
        types that are being                Busy Asian Scene

        developed is inad-                                                      China (CAAC) type certification
        equate to support                   There is plenty of activity in      for its EH216-S, making it the
                                            the Asia Pacific region as well.
        intercity and other                 As early as in 2019, Skyports       first eVTOL aircraft in the world
        such longer-distance                collaborated with Volocopter in     with such an approval.  The
                                                                                company is yet to start commer-
        flights, the industry is            launching a vertiport prototype     cial operations of its self-flying,
                                            in Singapore. Skyports has
        searching for solutions  continued to make progress in                  two-passenger aircraft. The cer-
        that would extend the               the region, including a collabo-    tification will allow the company
                                                                                to not only start commercial
        operational range of                ration with AirAsia to study air    service but also independently
                                            taxi infrastructure development
        air taxis.                          in Malaysia. Japanese vertiport     design, develop, and manufac-
                                            startup, Skyscape, recently         ture aircraft. The EH216-S has
                                            announced plans to develop          a 22 sm (19 nm) range, 80 mph
        Propulsion and energy systems       an ‘Integrated Aviation Centre’,    cruise speed, and a maximum
        lead in the volume of patent        which will be among the first       payload of 485 pounds.
        filings over the last two years.    vertiport facilities in the coun-
        With noise pollution being one      try. In South Korea, Volatus        At the Singapore Airshow earlier
        of the main barriers for public     Infrastructure has been part-       this year, Hyundai Motor Group’s
        acceptance of AAM, there is also    nering with local firms for AAM     Advanced Air Mobility (AAM)
        a push for quieter propulsion       infrastructure development.         company Supernal inked two
        systems.                                                                Memoranda of Understanding
                                            Infrastructure development for      (MOU), one with the Singapore
        U.S.-based Beta Technologies        AAM is gaining significant trac-    Economic Development Board
        is developing a comprehensive       tion around the globe, says Alan    (EDB) and the other with
        shared charging network to          Lim, Director, Alton Aviation       the Civil Aviation Authority of
        answer the need for eVTOLs to       Consulting in Singapore.  “In the   Singapore (CAAS), to develop
        quickly recharge or swap energy  Asia Pacific region, there have        AAM capabilities and expertise
        sources; Archer Aviation has pur- been continued investments and  in Singapore and the Asia-
        chased several units of BETA’s      partnerships in AAM infrastruc-     Pacific region. The company,
        interoperable and multimodal        ture by various stakeholders.       which unveiled S-A2, its eVTOL
        fast-charging system, which         However, more still must be         concept in January this year,
        employs the Combined Charging  done. AAM infrastructure is              recently made news by appoint-
        System (CCS) utilized by top        not just about vertiports. The      ing former NASA director David
        electric aviation OEMs. BETA’s      urban air traffic management        McBride as the company’s Chief
        charging systems are in use at      system as well as the rules         Technology Officer (CTO).
        14 locations across the east-       and policies that govern AAM
        ern U.S and development work        flights within urban areas need     In Pole Position
        is underway to install them at      consideration.”
        another 55 locations along with                                         After using its eVTOL for New
        East and Gulf Coasts, as well                                           York City’s inaugural electric air
        as at Archer’s flight test facil-   A Slice of History                  taxi flight on November 12 last
        ities in California. Meanwhile,     In October last year, Chinese       year, Joby Aviation announced in
        Embraer’ Eve Air Mobility has       eVTOl company Ehang obtained  February that it had completed
        developed Vector, an agnostic       Civil Aviation Administration of    the third of five stages of the

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