Page 31 - AAA March / April 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 31

Federal Aviation Administration     two companies that were once        billion across 121 deals in 2021,
        (FAA) type certification process.   involved in a legal tangle.  Two    declined to US$ 3.2 billion in
        It is the first eVTOL developer to   years after Boeing subsidiary      2022. In 2023, investments
        reach the milestone. The com-       Wisk sued Archer for patent         plunged further to US$1.3 billion
        pany, which completed the first     infringement, the two eVTOL         for 46 deals, an 83% drop in
        ever delivery of an electric air    companies announced last year       funding and a 62% decrease in
        taxi to the U.S. Department of      that they are collaborating, with   deal count from the 2021 peak.
        Defence in September last year,     Wisk being the exclusive pro-       The lack of adequate
        is targeting commercial urban       vider of autonomy technology for    funding, triggered by
        air mobility (UAM) operations in    future variants of Archer’s air-
        2025 and will use its one-pilot,    craft. As part of the agreement,    the global economic
        four-passenger air taxi to launch   Boeing is making an investment      slowdown as well
        aerial ridesharing service in Los   in Archer.                          as the technological
        Angeles and New York City. The
        company announced in March          Supernal, which has a partner-      and regulatory hur-
        this year that it had acquired      ship with Korean Air, plans to      dles that confront the
        an existing facility at Dayton      start commercial operations in
        International Airport and begun     2028. California-based Overair,     industry, is likely to impact
        hiring to support its manufac-      which is backed by Hanwha           the timelines of several compa-
        turing operations in Dayton,        Systems, plans to bring its         nies in the sector.  With funding
        Ohio. Joby’s long-term plan is      five-passenger Butterfly aircraft   being scarce, industry experts
        to develop facilities capable of    to market in 2028.  Airbus and      expect consolidation within the
        building up to 500 aircraft per     LCI are collaborating to jointly    industry, with companies that are
        year in Dayton. The company         develop ecosystems for AAM.         successful in securing fund-
        has also received its Part 145                                          ing taking over firms that are
        Repair Station Certificate from     In November last year, Eve Air      unable to compete in the tough
        the FAA, allowing it to perform     Mobility formed a joint venture     environment.
        select maintenance activities on    in India with Hunch Mobility, a     “With a long path ahead toward
        the aircraft.                       joint venture between Blade Air     certification and operational-
                                            Mobility and Hunch Ventures, to
        In February this year, Joby         bring air taxi services to cities   ization, financing remains a
                                                                                key area of concern for OEMs;
        signed a definitive agree-          across the country, starting in     liquidity issues could jeopardize
        ment with Dubai’s Road and          Bangalore. Eve, which wants to      their ability to reach their certifi-
        Transport Authority (RTA) to        certify its four-passenger aircraft   cation timelines,” says Lim.
        launch air taxi services in the     in 2026, has an AAM partnership
        Emirate by early 2026. Joby,        in place in South Korea and is
        which displayed its aircraft at     also working with Singapore-        “While there have been many
        the World Governments Summit        based rideshare booking             press releases describing the
        in Dubai, is also partnering with   platform Ascent to offer flights in   launch of air taxi operations
        Skyports, which will design, build   Singapore, Tokyo, Manila, and      in cities around the globe, we
        and operate four initial verti-     Melbourne.                          have not seen the supporting
        port sites across Dubai. Dubai                                          infrastructure ready for such
        International Airport (DXB),        Crunch Time                         a service. Companies need to
        Palm Jumeirah, Dubai Marina                                             understand the journey doesn’t
        and Dubai Downtown will be the                                          end with certification. It is imper-
        launch locations for the air taxi   According to TNMT, the              ative to establish both regulatory
        service.                            Strategic Intelligence team of the  and societal acceptance for air
                                            Lufthansa Innovation Hub (LIH),     taxi operations, a process that
                                            the industry currently faces a      necessitates substantial collabo-
        Strategic Alliances                 funding crunch that is severe       ration of stakeholders and public
        The industry is yet to take off but  enough to cause an implosion.      demonstrations to showcase the
        has already spawned strategic       Venture Capital funding for AAM     safety and capabilities of UAM
        alliances, including one involving  startups, which touched US$7.7      vehicles.”•

        ASIAN AIRLINES & AEROSPACE                                                          MARCH - APRIL 2024 | 31
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