Page 22 - AAA MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 22

can rely upon.  A prime exam-
        ple of such investment was the
        recent inauguration of the Asia
        Pacific region’s first E2 full flight
        simulator in Singapore.

        Q What is the customer
        feedback for the E2 family
        of jetliners?

        Scoot, our latest E2 operator,
        took delivery of its first E190-
        E2 in April this year.  With the
        second aircraft arriving shortly    2013. The aircraft serves a         allows airlines to reduce their
        thereafter, Scoot has been          key role in serving the regional    carbon emissions, achieve SAF
        conducting regular revenue          aviation sector with its outstand-  compatibility, conduct operations
        services to locations in Malaysia,   ing economics, performance         with a lower noise footprint, and
        and Thailand since May 2024.        capabilities, and passenger         much more.  Specifically regard-
        More E190-E2 will be inducted       experience. In APAC, the            ing SAF, we are targeting to
        into Scoot’s fleet, with the fleet   E175s, which can seat up to 88     have the E2 family certified for
        reaching nine aircraft by the       passengers in a high density        use of up to 100% SAF blends
        end of next year. The feedback      single-class configuration, are     by 2030.  In support of this effort,
        has been very positive thus far.    operated by Star Air in India and   we have already conducted
        In addition to comments from        Japan’s Fuji Dream Airlines, and    successful test flights with our
        the airline itself regarding the    the aircraft type has brought       E195-E2 using 100% SAF.
        E190-E2’s fuel burn credentials     greater flexibility and efficiency
        and handling characteristics,       to their respective networks.       Second, through our urban air
        Scoot’s passengers have also        Given its greater passenger and     mobility subsidiary Eve, we
        voiced their appreciation of        cargo capacities, longer range,     expect to complete the entry into
        the comfortable cabin experi-       as well as superior productivity    service of our first fully electric
        ence – the two-by-two seating,      and reliability, the E175 presents  eVTOL aircraft in 2026.
        the low noise levels, and larger    a compelling upgrade option for
        windows. The competitive oper-      the operators of aging turboprop
        ating economics of the E2 family    fleets across the region.           And third, Embraer continues
        have given airlines the flexibility                                     to develop its Energia family
        to profitably open new routes                                           of new propulsion technology
        and make new connections,           Q What are the sustainabil-         concepts.  First announced in
        thus broadening the depth and       ity initiatives underway at         2021, the Energia concepts rep-
        breadth of their networks.          Embraer?                            resent a key step in Embraer’s
                                                                                goal to support the broader

        Q What is the market potential      Embraer has undertaken mul-         aviation industry’s objective to
                                                                                achieve carbon neutrality by
        for the E175 family in SE Asia/     tiple initiatives to achieve its    2050.  Guided by the compa-
        APAC?                               sustainability objectives. These    ny’s 50-year history of technical
                                            fall into three overarching cate-   excellence, external inputs from
        The E175 is Embraer’s best-sell-    gories as follows:                  airlines, and joint studies with
        ing aircraft and amongst the                                            our suppliers and partners,
        most sold aircraft worldwide.       First, with the state-of-the-art    Embraer is confident that the
        In the United States, the E175      E-Jets E2 family, Embraer can       Energia family of concepts offer
        is the market leader in the 70      offer the quietest and most         a technically realistic and eco-
        to 90-seat segment with over        fuel-efficient aircraft in the sin-  nomically feasible pathway to
        85% share of net orders since       gle-aisle category, today.  This    net-zero.

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