Page 24 - AAA MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 24
Commercial flights with Supernal components in critical systems driving public engagement for
vehicles will commence in 2028. such as the powertrain, flight AAM. Working with EDB and
“Supernal is prioritizing ‘time controls and avionics. We are CAAS exemplifies how collabo-
to scale’ over ‘time to market,”’ working with commercial and ration between government and
says Rottblatt. executive fleet operators to industry can help make AAM a
ensure our aircraft will meet their reality.
Q A few eVTOL companies are needs.
already flying their aircraft while Supernal’s approach is to
various other manufacturers Q Earlier this year, the company develop mutually beneficial
have unveiled prototypes. What signed MOUs with Singapore partnerships to create a viable
makes Supernal’s S-A2 product Economic Development Board business and operational case
concept different? (EDB) and the Civil Aviation for stakeholders across the
Authority of Singapore (CAAS) value chain – from manufactur-
S-A2 is designed to cruise at to develop AAM capabilities ers and regulators to operators
120 mph at altitudes between in the country and the Asia- and passengers. By leveraging
1,000-1,500 feet AGL, with Pacific. What are your plans for insights from both entities, we
a range of up to 60 miles. It the region? aim to maximize outcomes and
features modular battery compo- demonstrate the value of AAM,
nents for future upgrades and a Our partnerships with particularly in forward-thinking
human-centric interior developed the Singapore Economic markets like Singapore.
in collaboration with Hyundai Development Board (EDB) and
Motor Group’s automotive the Civil Aviation Authority of Q Supernal is also cooperating
designers. The aircraft utilizes Singapore (CAAS) are designed with Korean Air for AAM opera-
a distributed electric propulsion to drive a variety of initiatives tions in South Korea.
architecture and operates qui- that will lead to the success-
etly, meeting community noise ful introduction of eVTOLs in Correct, we struck a partnership
standards. the Asia-Pacific region – and with Korean Air in October 2023
beyond. These include launching to build and develop the ecosys-
Engineered to achieve the global R&D, identifying potential use tem and environment necessary
commercial aviation standard of cases, exchanging information for AAM operations and its
safety, S-A2 has a robust air- to support safety regulatory commercialization for operators
frame structure with redundant frameworks and standards, and in Korea. They also agreed to