Page 20 - ADT SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
P. 20


                 India and Korea are eyeing export opportunities

                     for their indigenously developed rotorcraft

                                                   By ATUL CHANDRA

                uture needs for military rotorcraft in the region  slated to receive an order for 145 additional LCHs to add
                could largely be met by helicopters indigenously  an initial order for 15 limited series production (LSP) exam-
                produced in Korea and India. While Korea is more  ples for a total order of 160 helicopters. However, this will
        F advanced when it comes to defence exports,  now increase to 171 helicopters.
        India has the benefit of a large home market that will
        offer it economies of scale when it comes to export orders.   India’s cabinet committee on security (CCS) which is led
        India’s domestic aerospace & defence industry has tra-
        ditionally focussed on the license production of imported   by Prime Minister Narendra Modi had approved the pro-
        helicopters, limiting their export appeal.            curement of 15 LCH’s in LSP configuration in March 2022
                                                              at a cost of approximately US$450 million. 15 LCH Limited
                                                              Series Production at the cost of Rs. 3,887 Cr along with
        However, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) now has  Infrastructure sanctions worth Rs. 377 Cr.
        three rotorcraft types, which it can offer for the export
        market – the proven advanced light helicopter (ALH)   The LCH was formally inducted into the air force in October
        Dhruv, the light combat helicopter (LCH) and the light   2022 and is known as “Prachanda”, locally. The LCH is now
        utility helicopter (LUH).
                                                              in operational service with the IAF’s No. 143 Helicopter
                                                              Unit (HU), which operates 10 examples. The LCH is the first
        While the former two are twin-engined helicopters in the  indigenously designed and developed attack helicop-
        5.5 tonne class, the LUH is a single-engine helicopter in   ter by HAL and has unmatched high-altitude operating
        the three-tonne class. With series production of these   capability.
        helicopters underway (ALH, LCH), export customers could
        expect quick deliveries.
                                                              The LCH features robust armour protection and advanced
        Ready for Growth                                      navigation system, guns tailored for close combat and air
                                                              to air missiles, making it especially suited for the modern
         HAL is now eyeing a large order from the Indian air force  battlefield. It can operate from high altitude terrain and
        (IAF) and army for 156 light combat helicopters in 2024.  carry out precision strikes at high altitude targets, making
        The order will be divided between the two services, with  it a vital addition to the air force arsenal. Hindustan
        66 for the air force and 90 for the army. HAL was earlier  Aeronautics is also eyeing export orders for this attack

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