Page 18 - ADT SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
P. 18


                   The Indian Navy will retire its last Ilyushin IL-38SD

             Long Range Maritime Reconnaissance aircraft in October

                                                   By ATUL CHANDRA

                 he Indian Navy’s retirement of its Ilyushin IL-38SD  Speaking to ADT, before the retirement of the IL-38SD from
                 (Sea Dragon) fleet on October 31 marks the end  service, INAS 315’s Commanding Officer (CO), Commander
                 of an era in Indian naval aviation, one in which  Mrinmoy Ghosh, said “the squadron has achieved many a
       T two Russian aircraft types; the IL-38SD and the  milestone during this journey and I will be aiming to take
        giant Tupolev TU-142M (retired in March 2017) long range  the Winged Stallions to greater glory and sign-off with the
        maritime reconnaissance (LRMR) aircraft patrolled India’s  last Hoorah. Secondly my focus will be on keeping flight
        maritime borders.                                     safety at the forefront of all our flying operations and to
                                                              complete missions. We are flying critical and strategic
                                                              missions daily, supporting the Western Naval Fleet and
        The  first  IL-38SD  (IN  301)  inducted  into  the  navy  was   the Indian Navy.
        decommissioned in January 2022 after 44 years of ser-
        vice. This aircraft was commissioned into service in 1977
        and had accumulated nearly 10,000 hours of operational   With the retirement of the IL-38SD, the navy will be left
        flying, by the time of its retirement. The last flight worthy   with the Boeing P-8I as its sole LRMR and ASW aircraft,
        IL-38SD (IN 307) will be phased out of service at the end of   with a fleet of 12 operational aircraft. The Indian Navy had
        October. Once phased out of service, the retired aircraft   acquired its first batch of eight P-8I aircraft in 2013 and
        will be donated to museums across India.              these were stationed at INS Rajali, Arakkonam. The second
                                                              batch of four more aircraft were based at Indian Naval Air
                                                              Squadron 316, commissioned at INS Hansa.
        Designed in the 1960’s, the IL-38 was a Soviet-era design
        maritime patrol and anti-submarine warfare (ASW) aircraft   Potent Platform
        developed during the Cold War era and operated to great
        effect by the Indian Navy, since the type was inducted into  Equipped with sonobuoys, a magnetic anomaly detector
        service in 1977 with Indian Naval Air Squadron 315 (INAS  (MAD) boom, search radar, and other sensors, the IL-38
        315) “Winged Stallions”, at INS Hansa in Goa, located on  was primarily used to detect, track, and neutralize subma-
        India’s Eastern Coast.                                rines and other underwater threats in addition to maritime
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