Page 19 - ADT SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
P. 19
patrol missions. The upgraded IL-38SD, which entered service in lightweight torpedo and an air droppable con-
2006, however was used for a wider range of mission’s courtesy tainer for providing air logistics support to ships
its Sea Dragon Mission Suite (SDMS), which was installed during a at sea. INAS 315 played a vital role in the proving
retrofit and life extension programme undertaken in Russia, nearly of these indigenously developed technologies.
two decades ago.
In April 2023, it was an IL-38SD belonging to
The IL-38SD is an all-weather aircraft and its primary roles include INAS 315 which undertook maiden trials of the
LRMR and ASW, in addition to anti-shipping strikes, Electronics ADC-150, which has a 150 kg payload capacity.
Intelligence (ELINT) and Communications Intelligence (COMINT) as It was developed by three defence research &
also carrying the indigenous air droppable container ‘ADC-150. development organisation (DRDO) laborato-
Its wide range of weapons and sensors covering the surface and ries - Naval Science & Technological Laboratory
sub-surface elements coupled with its long endurance made the (NSTL), Visakhapatnam; Aerial Delivery Research
aircraft a potent platform. & Development Establishment (ADRDE), Agra
and Aeronautical Development Establishment
The IL-38SD’s secondary roles involved search & rescue (SAR), air (ADE), Bengaluru.
logistics support to warships as the aircraft was capable of dropping
spares for warships at extended ranges,” Ghosh said. However, much
of the work done by INAS 315 with its IL-38SDs, such as shadowing The ADC 150 is a vital addition to the navy’s
of enemy submarines and ELINT work remains classified. operational logistics capabilities as it could be
used to provide a quick response to meet the
requirement of transferring critical engineer-
Over the years, the Indian Navy undertook various upgrades to ing stores to ships (under distress), which are
modernize the IL-38 fleet to enhance its operational effectiveness deployed more than 2,000 kms from the coast.
and extend its service life. These upgrades often involved avionics, It also reduces the requirement of ships to come
sensors, communication systems, and weapons integration, with close to the coast to collect spares and stores.
the most comprehensive being the upgrade to the Sea Dragon IL-38SDs were also used to undertake success-
Mission Suite from Russia, which was contracted for in 2001. Five ful maiden test trials of ‘SAHAYAK-NG’ India’s
upgraded IL-38SDs were delivered to the navy between January first indigenously designed and developed air
2006 – February 2010. dropped containers in 2020. The SAHAYAK-NG
is an advanced version of SAHAYAK Mk I and the
These IL-38SDs were also armed with the potent Russian Kh-35E GPS aided air dropped container can carry a
anti-ship missile, two of which could be carried on the aircraft. payload upto 50 kg.
Following the upgrade of the IL-38 to the far improved IL-38SD
(Sea Dragon) standard, its increased detection and classification Despite their age and impending retirement
ranges coupled with the aircraft’s strike capability led to INAS 315 from service, the IL-38SDs played a key role in
“Winged Stallions” being adjudged ‘Best Naval Air Squadron’ in 2018. the trials of the indigenously developed torpedo
In an interesting anecdote, it was soon after the maritime patrol advanced light (TAL), as recently as March 2021.
type was inducted into INAS 315, that In January 1978, the aircraft An electrically propelled self-homing torpedo,
was deployed with its onboard Magnetic Anomaly Detector (MAD) the TAL can also be launched from ships and
to successfully locate the wreckage of an ill-fated Air India Boeing rotary wing aircraft. The anti-submarine torpedo
747 “Jumbo Jet” which had crashed soon after take-off off the coast has active and passive modes of operations,
of Mumbai. and all digital control and guidance systems. It
can attack submarines in shallow waters and
Indigenous Endeavour deep waters. The 220 kg torpedo has a warhead
of 40 kg and can attain a maximum speed of
Ghosh also highlighted a few of the indigenous innovations associ- 33 knots.
ated with the IL-38SD which include a COMINT system, advanced
The IL-38SD was a cold war warrior, used to
full effect by the Indian Navy in a wide variety
of roles. Its long-range and capable sensors,
coupled with the ability to carry a wide range
of weapons was put to full use by INAS 315,
since the type was first inducted in 1977. That it
remained operationally capable and relevant till
its retirement is testament not only to the aircraft
itself and also its highly professional aircrew and
maintenance personnel..