Page 22 - ADT SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER 2023 Latest Magazine | GBP
P. 22
Ahmet Akyol,
the new CEO of Aselsan
Ahmet Akyol, the new CEO of Aselsan, wants to development progress with technological advancements, we aim
make the company more competitive, agile, and to further increase Aselsan’s solutions in the technology fields of the
innovative with new technologies. In a recent future. We continue our work on the defence industry trends of the
exclusive interview with Jay Menon of Asian future, such as unmanned technologies, laser and electro-optical
Defence Technology, Akyol says one of his first [EO] systems, cyber security and space, satellite technologies,
actions as the chief executive officer will be to virtual reality [VR], and artificial intelligence [AI], leading the trans-
increase international sales and improve the formation in the sector.
company’s organisational structure with respect
to business process transformations and part- ADT: You have also become one of the major players in the active
nership strategies. protection system (APS). Could you give us an update?
Excerpts from the interview:
In the last decade, the importance of main battle tanks has
increased in modern operation environment, therefore Rocket-
ADT: The year 2023 is very important for Türkiye Propelled Grenade (RPG) and Anti-Tank Guided Missile (ATGM)
as it celebrates the 100th anniversary of the usage against the main battle tanks has been increased in parallel.
republic. How important is it for ASELSAN?
Traditional passive armours have become inadequate in protecting
We see this as an exciting and complex journey tanks; hence, taking new kind of measures becomes an ultimate
which Türkiye is going through. Together with necessity.
Türkiye’s new century, Aselsan is stepping out
to be more dedicated and more determined.
Since technology is the heartbeat that keeps
this new era of innovations and agility alive,
Aselsan is not only keeping pace in this journey,
but also establishing itself as a leader of this
transformation. With our acquired success and
experience, we are ready for tomorrow’s chal-
lenges on this journey. We present ourselves
as a more competitive, agile, and innovative
Aselsan with our new technologies: Ready to
go beyond the age, a renewed Aselsan.
ADT: What does the future hold for the coun-
try’s defence industry? Looking ahead, what are
Aselsan’s priority programmes?
In an era where innovation, agility, and market