Page 13 - ADT JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
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measures to optimise the retrofit damage,” a U.S. government official Malaysian Mission
programs for the existing TNI-AU said. Malaysia and South Korea com-
fighter jets such as the F-16 and the pleted a US$910 million deal in
Sukhoi Su-27/30. Among the solutions Manila is February 2023 to buy 18 FA-50
considering include switching to fighter jets manufactured by KAI
From the start, the 11.83 trillion purchases of secondhand aircraft Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd.
IDR (EUR733 Million) plan for or receiving financial aid from The delivery of the aircraft will begin
these second-hand jets was mired Washington. in 2026.
in controversies among both the
Indonesian military observers Sweden also is offering its Saab Malaysia will be the fourth
and parliament. Mirage 2000-5 JAS 39 Gripen multi-role fighter air- Southeast Asian nation to acquire
acquisition plan carried a risk of craft for the modernisation needs of the T-50 and its variants along
violating the Indonesian Defense the Philippine Air Force (PAF) which with Indonesia, the Philippines and
Industry’s law which mandates is looking to beef up its fleet. Thailand, according to KAI. Iraq
that each defence acquisition from also uses the aircraft.
abroad must also include offsets, Along with the US Lockheed Martin
local contents, and several other F-16V Viper, the JAS-39 is con- The deal demonstrates the rising
requirements. sidered one of the top contenders prowess of South Korea’s defence
for the PAF multirole fighter (MRF) industry in the region.
The Philippines Puzzle acquisition project.
The U.S. had approved a poten- KAI is in pursuit of performance
tial sale of 12 F-16 fighter jets to Korea Aerospace Industries (KAI) improvement, including beef-up
the Philippines in 2021. However, had also pitched its FA-50 as a of arms capabilities and enlarge-
Manila has been pondering how to cost-effective option to modernise ment of flight range in sync with
finance the costly acquisition. the PAF. The PAF already has 12 the requirements of the overseas
FA-50PH in its service. potential clients, based on the
“It’s still too expensive, so we FA-50 trainer jet,” the company
have to find a way to be able With some hopes of Philippines said.
to finance it in the long term. looking at a cost-effective option, The aircraft will likely replace the
India’s state-owned airframes
We want to change our [eco- Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. is still RMAF’s MiG-29 and F-5E light
nomic] growth,” Jose Manuel hard selling its Tejas Light Combat combat aircraft.
Romualdez, Philippine ambassador Aircraft to the Philippines.
to the U.S., was quoted by Nikkei Thailand Message
Asia late last year. The Philippines launched the MRF The Royal Thai Air Force is nego-
tender in 2018 as part of the Armed tiating with the U.S. administration
In 2021 the State Department had Forces modernisation program’s to purchase two F-35A fighter jets.
made a determination approving Horizon Two. The purchase of 12 However, Washington feels that the
a possible foreign military sale to “fourth generation or higher” multi- RTAF is not equipped to handle the
the government of the Philippines role fighter jets will be the PAF’s first advanced aircraft. “The new U.S.
of F-16 Block 70/72 aircraft and fighter jets since the retirement of warplanes cannot go ahead for
related equipment for an estimated its Northrop F-5 Tigers in 2005. now,” air force spokesman Air Chief
cost of US$2.43 billion. Philippines
had requested to buy 10 F-16C
Block 70/72 aircraft, and 2 F-16D
Block 70/72 aircraft.
“The proposed sale will improve
the Philippines’ capability to meet
current and future threats by
enabling the Philippines to deploy
fighter aircraft with precision
munitions in support of counterter-
rorism operations in the southern
Philippines, increasing effective- © KAI
ness and minimising collateral