Page 14 - ADT JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 14
Marshal Prapas Sonjaidee said. Indo-Pacific region. The leaders fleet of F-16 fighter jets. The deal is
discussed a range of issues that in its nascent stages of discussion,
The U.S. has not ruled out the deal are vital to common objectives, according to people who are aware
completely, Prapas said, adding including force modernisation. Allvin of the developments.
even if it were approved delivery reaffirmed U.S. Air Force support
could take another 10 years at to RTAF modernisation efforts,
least. “The F-35 is designed with highlighting nearly four decades of The Vietnam People’s Air Force cur-
new approaches in terms of tech- successful bilateral cooperation on rently has about 40 Sukhoi Su-27
nics and operations in mind, with the F-16 program and underscor- and Su-30MK2 heavy fighters,
the ability to evade radar – stealth. ing the importance of maintaining besides about 30 older Su-22 fight-
Therefore, we have to invest in the interoperability. ers. Hanoi plans to replace these
U.S.-required basic infrastructure, ageing aircraft with the new F-16s.
training and security measures,” RTAF is in the process of updating
he said. its Vietnam War-era F-5s and many Vietnam has also shown keen
of the earlier commissioned F-16s interest in acquiring European
“The U.S. would like to dis- which are scheduled to be decom- fighter jets as part of its ongoing
cuss future preparation to missioned in the next 10 years. modernisation. Possible candidates
accommodate the purchase Meanwhile, media reports in included the Typhoon, Rafale, and
Bangkok said that the RTAF plans
of the F-35A,” he said. “The to procure three fighter aircraft Saab Gripen E/F. In 2021, Vietnam
U.S. suggests that, during the from Sweden, after U.S. declined had reached an agreement with
the United States to acquire 12
transition, the Thai Air Force to provide the F-35 fighters. The Beechcraft T-6 Texan II trainer
should consider buying the RTAF plans to procure three Gripen aircraft.
4.5 generation fighter jets jet fighters from Sweden to add to
its fleet in Wing 7 in Surat Thani,
such as the F-16 or the F-15 reports said. The RTAF operates 11 The Driving Force
because of a quicker delivery Gripen units in Wing 7. Arms procurements, especially
schedule.” strengthening airpower, can be
Also, Thailand in 2022 had ordered an important indicator as to how
The U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff armed reconnaissance AH-6 heli- Southeast Asian countries perceive
Gen. David W. Allvin hosted Royal copters from the US and Hermes risks from China. While many of
Thai Air Force Commander in 900 drones from Israel to support these countries harbour concerns
Chief Air Chief Marshal Punpakdee maritime operations. about China and are expanding
Pattanakul for an official counterpart strategic relations with the United
visit last December to strengthen Vietnam Vigor States, they are diversifying their
the U.S.-Thailand alliance and The U.S. administration is report- suppliers to avoid creating arms
advance shared security inter- edly negotiating with Vietnam on the dependencies that could limit their
ests in support of a free and open sale of an arms package featuring a future options..