Page 17 - ADT JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 17
land, air and sea training, mission The current room-sized simulators and their staffs across distributed
rehearsal applications, and experi- will be replaced by portable lap- locations.
mentation at any location on Earth, top-powered AR/VR headsets that
while VBS Blue IG is a whole-earth easily can be transported to soldiers The US Army’s STE, of which TSS/
image generator software, which for use anywhere at any time. TMT supplies the central software
rapidly integrates with existing third- The integrated STE system capabilities, allow military leaders
party host simulators and BISim’s comprises three foundational and instructors to set up complex
VBS4. capabilities: the Training Simulation virtual battles, coordinating with
thousands of Artificial Intelligence
The VBS4 and VBS Blue IG, Software/Training Management (AI)-powered allies, and fighting
developed by Bohemia Interactive Tools (TSS/TMT) software, against artificially intelligent or
Simulations (BISim), a whol- Reconfigurable Virtual Collective instructor-controlled adversaries,
ly-owned subsidiary of BAE Trainer (RVCT) hardware, and One with realistic AI behaviours and at
Systems, have passed defence World Terrain (OWT). theatre-wide scale. Soldiers will
virtual simulation’s (DVS2) full oper- “With STE, the army won’t have also be able to repeat these training
ating capability (FOC) acceptance to deal with the logistics of missions many times over, facing
tests. new challenges that will help them
scheduling and transportation of
DVS2 is the UK MoD’s common soldiers to training centers, where to better prepare for live training
virtual simulation tool, providing they compete for precious train- and enhance their readiness for
interoperable, accessible, and ing time,” said Harry Buhl, STE operations.
deployable virtual simulation capa- lead investigator for Raytheon
bility across the MOD and Industry. Intelligence & Space, a Raytheon
The DVS2 capability enables Technologies business. “They can One World Terrain data
simulated activity across all levels train at their home stations with
of training, as well as operations minimal overhead, or even while US Army’s One World Terrain
planning and rehearsal, deci- deployed,” Buhl added. (OWT) programme, which supports
sion support, and research and current and future combat missions,
development. STE will train for air, land, sea, is on track to become the army’s
space and cyber using virtual and authoritative source for founda-
constructive environments that tion geospatial content and terrain
US Army on the Move will be initially synthetic-virtual to data—from training to operations
replace the army’s ageing and
The U.S. Army’s Synthetic Training costly simulators. The TSS//TMT and targeting.
Environment (STE) cross-functional foundation will expand to bring in The army will be able to draw
team is developing a single envi- live training, from squads at home terrain data from STE’s OWT data
ronment that will allow soldiers to stations to brigade combat teams at and soldiers will be able to interact
train together from anywhere in the combat training centres, and con- either through PC-based soldier
world. structive training for commanders stations or through STE’s RVCT.