Page 20 - ADT JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 20

Textron Systems’ Ship-to-Shore Connector:

        The Ideal Solution for Enhanced Joint

        Logistics Operations in the Western Pacific

       I   n today’s dynamic world, com-    platform has supported the          promises a multifaceted approach

                                            amphibious logistics operations
                                                                                towards land-to-sea connectivity.
           plex military operations demand
           seamless coordination and high
        degrees of interoperability between   needs of both the U.S. Navy and   By embracing design upgrades
                                            JMSDF. Utilizing a common logis-
                                                                                such as an improved corrosion-re-
        international allies and partners.   tics connector platform enables    sistant aluminum hull, fly-by-wire
        For more than 20 years, Textron     interoperability between naval      flight controls, and reduced con-
        Systems’ Landing Craft Air Cushion   forces, which supports a wide      struction complexity, the SSC has
        (LCAC) platform has enabled highly  array of operations, including both   significantly reduced operating
        successful expeditionary logistics   military and humanitarian mis-     and training costs, while delivering
        operations that have been the cor-  sions. Interoperability also enables   enhanced versatility and efficiency.
        nerstone of interoperability between  reduced operational training and   An essential aspect of the design
        the Japanese Maritime Self          planning requirements, as well as   upgrades is the incorporation of
        Defense Force (JMSDF) and the       their associated costs. The SSC     an improved corrosion-resistant
        U.S. Navy. Textron Systems’ Ship-   brings the same interoperability    aluminum hull. The use of this
        to-Shore Connector (SSC), which     benefits, while providing enhanced   robust material ensures increased
        is currently being produced and     logistics performance.              longevity, reduced maintenance,
        delivered to the U.S. Navy, stands                                      and decreased operational costs
        ready to succeed our legacy LCAC                                        associated with regular mainte-
        platform as the logistics connector   Technological advancements        nance and repairs. Unlike previous
        of choice for the JMSDF and other   also play a crucial role in bolster-  models, the SSC’s upgraded hull
        allied naval forces around the world.    ing military capabilities, fostering   maximizes its lifespan, while deliv-
                                            national security, and enabling     ering uncompromised performance,
                                            humanitarian missions. Textron      making it the ideal choice for
        For over 40 years our legacy        Systems’ SSC represents a           extended deployments, especially
        Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC)    groundbreaking upgrade that         in logistically contested amphibious

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