Page 18 - ADT JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 18

“We have got to make every round    In Phase 3b, Maxar will focus       Investing in SE Platforms
        fired count, whether it is live, vir-  on enhanced conflation with      The global synthetic and digital
        tual or constructive, train as many   open-source geospatial data and   training solution market size is
        echelons as possible,” said Brig.   enhanced training areas using       estimated to reach about US$18
        Gen. Charles Lombardo, Deputy       multi-source collection, high-reso-  billion by 2026. Defence companies
        Commanding General of the           lution insets. The OWT prototype    in the industry are expanding their
        Army’s Combined Arms Center-        will evaluate the use of small      investment research and develop-
        Training (CAC-T). “What the STE     unmanned aerial collections and the   ment to guarantee that militaries
        will provide us and what you can    geo-registration of existing US Army   get the finest possible solution
        help deliver is a natural persistent   terrain datasets.                environment.
        environment where we can do that
        every month.”                       OWT is expected to reach full oper-  Leonardo, which is part of the tri-na-

        Maxar Technologies, provider        ational capability this year.       tion Global Combat Air Programme
        of space solutions, was recently    Recently, the US army also          (GCAP) is building
        awarded the Phase 3b of the OWT     awarded a contract to Cole
        prototype contract by the US Army.   Engineering Services (CESI) to     A “battle lab” for the study and
        The OWT programme delivers 3D       build a RVCT prototype. CESI has    evaluation of the future sixth-gener-
        global terrain capability and asso-  subcontracted Bohemia Interactive   ation air combat system. To support
        ciated information services that    Simulations (BISim), a developer    this, Leonardo has created an
        support a fully accessible virtual   of advanced military simulation and   environment that combines physical
        representation of the physical Earth   training software, to deliver signifi-  systems, synthetic and immersive
        through the Army network.           cant components of the US Army’s    reality. The aim is to validate new
        “The evolution of OWT shows how     next generation of collective training  operational concepts well before
        3D terrain and information services  technology.                        a demonstrator or flying proto-
        are becoming essential tools for                                        type will become available. The
        planning and decision-making not    CESI is also building a Soldier     digital simulator reproduces what
        just for the US Army but for a wide   Virtual Trainer (SVT). This prototype  a sixth-generation fighter cockpit
        range of military, civil and com-   project will extend upon the STE    could look like, where only the stick
        mercial institutions,” Tony Frazier,   modular open systems architec-   and throttle of an aircraft are phys-
        Maxar’s Executive Vice President    ture to deliver an immersive SVT    ical and everything is virtual/using
        and General Manager, Public         capability that empowers soldier-led  augmented reality. This interface
        Sector Earth Intelligence said.     training at the point of need.      will provide the pilot with an immer-
        In 2022, Maxar’s Phase 3a work                                          sive experience when operating the
        focused on improving 3D terrain     The SVT combines and integrates     fighter of the future.
        dataset fidelity and refining the   several individual soldier training
        automation processes to gener-      capabilities such as weapon skills   “Live training will always be the final
        ate realistic terrain derived from   development, joint fires training, and  test before the Army sends units into
        Maxar’s satellite imagery for high-fi-  use of force. Each SVT capability   combat; it’s graduate-level training,”
        delity modelling and simulation     is integrated and delivered through   Buhl said. “But before live train-
        systems, as well as terrain data    the SVT Core, which provides        ing, they’ll do their undergraduate
        export capability for operational   common hardware and biometrics      training in synthetic-virtual and
        mission command information         powered by the STE-Information      constructive worlds. Soldiers can
        systems.                            System (STE-IS) software.           rehearse a mission dozens of
                                                                                times without risking life or limb.
                                                                © Thyssenkrupp  They can practice battle drills,
                                                                                emergency situations and mis-
                                                                                sion-critical tasks – what is known
                                                                                as high-consequence training –
                                                                                that can’t be replicated safely in
                                                                                live training, like having an engine
                                                                                fail on a real aircraft.”

                                                                                With the likes of the US and UK
                                                                                making continual advances in their
                                                                                pursuit of a fully-fledged collective
                                                                                training environment, the future of
                                                                                armed forces training looks to be on
                                                                                the cusp of a major revolution..

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