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across air, space, land, cyber and   the country and beyond.            “We are excited that a SSE will
        sea,” said Air Chief Marshal Sir                                        provide the environment for real-
        Mike Wigston, Chief of the Air Staff.  Stuart Lafferty, Flight Simulation   istic, credible but also affordable
                                            and Synthetic Trainers (FsAST)
        Through incremental acquisition,    team leader, said: “With Gladiator   planning, training and mission
        Gladiator will evolve allowing the   we can fly a large number of       rehearsal to meet the challenges
        UK to undertake synthetic training   aircraft together at any one time,   of modern warfare complexities.
        for air, land and maritime forces, all   which in real-life training would be   Our aim is to foster the innovation
        on a secure network and safe in the   almost impossible and not cost    which will underpin defence trans-
        knowledge that the training cannot   effective. Gladiator is about allow-  formation, and an investigation of
        be observed by adversaries.         ing pilots to do things they couldn’t   the technical viability and potential
                                                                                utility of an SSE is an ambitious
        Typhoon and Lightning II pilots     normally practice in the real world.   and ground-breaking project which
        based out of RAF Coningsby, RAF     In addition, pilots won’t be ageing   supports that aim,” observed Major
        Lossiemouth and RAF Marham          aircraft, burning jet fuel or firing   General Jim Morris, Director of Joint
        will be the first to fly virtual mis-  expensive weapons – these are    Warfare at UK Strategic Command,
        sions using Gladiator. There are    important environmental and         the major organisation of the British
        opportunities for maritime and      financial benefits to the Ministry of   Armed Forces responsible for lead-
        land platforms to use the system    Defence (MoD).”                     ing integration across all domains
        with Protector, Type 45, Type 26,   Gladiator is provided by Boeing     - cyber, space, maritime, land and
        Apache, Crowsnest, Poseidon,        Defence UK and operated on an       air.
        E-7 Wedgetail and other platforms   MoD network.                        SSEs provide a safe virtual proving
        expected to join. UK pilots will also                                   ground to create and test all sorts
        use Gladiator to conduct synthetic                                      of ideas, from policy choices about
        training exercises with the US and   UK Means Business                  the size and shape of the armed
        NATO.                                                                   forces, to design of new systems
                                            Recently the UK Strategic           and technologies and exploring how
                                            Command asked Improbable, a UK
        Viable Alternative                  metaverse technology company to     best to use them. The SSE being
                                                                                jointly developed by Improbable and
        Synthetic training complements      supply its synthetic environment    UK Strategic Command delivers
        live training opportunities and     platform to deliver multi-domain vir-  a simulation demonstrator which
        enables delivery of effective combat   tual world for operational planning   models the conventional physical
        forces. But a number of factors     and decision support.               domains (maritime, land and air) as
        impact the UK’s ability to complete   CAE had helped the Strategic      well as aspects of space, cyber and
        all necessary training in a live envi-  Command establish the project in   the information environment.
        ronment. These include airspace     the first year to create a prototype
        constraints, environmental con-     Single Synthetic Environment (SSE)   “In an increasingly complex world,
        siderations, cost, and operational   that supported a detailed simulation   where threats to national security
        security. Gladiator will overcome   of a part of the real world. CAE will   demand a rapid and coordinated
        these limitations by safeguarding   continue to support in the second   response, we continue to demon-
        highly classified information while   year as a key technology partner in   strate that the SSE is a unique and
        linking together simulators across   the SSE ecosystem.                 powerful capability with the potential
                                                                                to give Britain a truly competitive
                                                                                edge over its adversaries,” Joe
                                                                                Robinson, CEO of Improbable’s
                                                                                Defence business, said.

                                                                                The Ministry of Defence’s
                                                                                Training and Simulation Systems
                                                                                Programme (TSSP) will also be
                                                                                rolling out VBS4 and VBS Blue IG
                                                                                to support the UK’s training, exper-
                                                                                imentation and mission rehearsal
                                                                                needs. VBS4 is whole-earth virtual
                                                                                and constructive desktop trainer
                                                                                and simulation host that allows
                                                                                users to create and run a vast
                                                                                range of military training scenar-
           © RAF                                                                ios anywhere on Earth. It provides
                                                                                a virtual training environment for

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