Page 9 - ADT MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
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                The company has already established FALs for

                    C295 military aircraft and H125 helicopters

                                                     By JAY MENON
        A        irbus is trying to develop a  “Last year we procured components  is expected to rise to 12,000,

                                            and services worth US$750 million,
                                                                                including 5,000 Airbus employees,
                 holistic aerospace eco-
                 system in India, where the  and our ambition is to double our
        company is expanding its industrial   sourcing in India to US$1.5 billion in   he said.
        footprint. “India is not just a market   the next few years,” Maillard said.  Assembly Lines
        for us, India is a strategic hub,” said
        Remi Maillard, President, and MD    The company has more than 40        Airbus’ efforts to mature the wider
        of Airbus India & South Asia.       suppliers in India, both public and   Indian aerospace ecosystem also
                                            private, who provide engineering,   includes the building of two Final
                                            manufacturing, digital, innovation   Assembly Lines (FAL): One for
        Besides establishing aircraft       and customer services solutions to   the C295 military aircraft and the
        assembly facilities in India, Airbus   all commercial platforms as well as   second one for the H125 helicopter.
        is also seeking component manu-     for several helicopter and defence   Also, in February this year, Airbus
        facturing, engineering design and   platforms. “Today, every Airbus     awarded a contract for the manu-
        development, MRO support, pilot     commercial aircraft has compo-      facturing and assembly of its A220
        and maintenance training as well    nents and technologies made in      Family aircraft doors to Bengalu-
        as academic collaboration to foster   India,” he noted.                 ru-based Dynamatic Technologies.
        human capital. Airbus is also con-                                      “This is one of the largest aero-
        stantly increasing its sourcing from   Airbus supports nearly 10,000 jobs   space export contracts to India. The
        India.                              in India today. By 2025, this number  contract will support the ramp-up of
        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                                MAY - JULY 2024  | 9
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