Page 33 - ADT MAY / JULY 2024 Digital Magazine | GBP
P. 33


            BIG STEP

        The modernisation of the Indian Air Force is gathering pace

                                                  By ATUL CHANDRA
       T        he Indian Air Force (IAF)   upgrades in the IAF’s combat        F3, Eurofighter Typhoon, MiG-35,

                                                                                Sukhoi SU-35, Lockheed Martin
                has now succeeded in
                modernising a signifi-
        cant portion of its air assets and   MRFA Saga                          F-21 have all thrown their hat in
                                                                                the ring.  The original Request for
        ground based infrastructure. The                                        Information (RFI) issued in 2018
        modernisation of the air force has   The air force continues its pursuit   called for procurement of 83 single
        been a challenging endeavour with   of a Multi-Role Fighter Aircraft    seat aircraft and 27 twin-seat
        legacy platforms continuing to serve   (MRFA) to add to its acquisition of   fighters.
        well past their prime and the huge   36 Rafales contracted for in 2016.
        expense involved in inducting new   The six additional MRFA squadrons   Indigenous Future
        combat platforms.                   will dramatically boost the combat
                                            capability of the IAF, though budget   The indigenous twin-engine
        The IAF is now thought to have      constraints could impinge on the    Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft
        approximately  30-31 operational    110 aircraft requirement. The new   (AMCA) being developed by the
        fighter squadrons comprised of      multi-role fighter would be required   Aeronautical Development Agency
        Dassault Rafale F3, Sukhoi SU-30    to undertake missions such as; Air   (ADA) is an ambitious domestic
        MKI, Mirage 2000 I/TI, , MiG-29     Superiority, Air Defence, Ground    programme that aims to deliver
        UPG, Jaguar, MiG-21 ‘Bison’ and     Attack, Electronic Warfare (EW)     an indigenous 4.5 gen fighter
        Tejas Mk-1 aircraft. The last of 36   missions and Reconnaissance.      to the IAF, sometime in the next
        Rafales was inducted into service   Boeing’s F-15EX, Dassault Rafale    decade. The air force has a stated
        in December 2022 and the air force
        has rapidly operationalised the
        highly sophisticated type.

        Other important inductions in the
        last few years include the C-130J
        and C-17 transport aircraft, along
        with CH-47 Chinook utility helicop-
        ters and the AH-64 E Apache attack
        helicopters from the USA. The air
        force has also been upgrading its
        Surface to Air Missile (SAM) capa-
        bilities, both in terms of the Medium
        Range SAM (MR SAM) which was
        recently inducted as well as the
        potent Russian S-400 long-range
        SAM system. All these acquisitions
        have contributed to a substantial
        ASIAN DEFENCE TECHNOLOGY                                                              MAY - JULY 2024  | 33
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