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        Safe and sustainable aerospace is   support of the transition to renew-  availability and use of SAF globally,
        important to our customers, com-    able energy. For our products, that   and we will also invest in SkyNRG
        munities and current and future     renewable energy can include sus-   Americas; SAF production project.
        employees in Vietnam and around     tainable aviation fuels (SAF), green   We are also a founding member of
        the world. As Boeing aspires to     hydrogen or batteries. Electric bat-  the First Movers Coalition, partner-
        protect, connect and explore the    teries and green hydrogen all offer   ing with leading companies across
        world safely and sustainably, we’re   future  potential  but  still  require   sectors to accelerate the develop-
        collaborating across the industry   development and investment, which   ment of new technologies to reduce
        to reach net-zero in commercial     means we view them as medium-to     emissions, with Boeing’s emphasis
        air travel by 2050. Boeing’s strat-  longer-term solutions. Boeing is   on the scale-up and use of SAF.
        egy to decarbonize aligns with the   involved in hydrogen and electric   We also support the Sustainable
        industry’s approach and includes a   technology demonstrations and      Aviation Buyers Alliance (SABA)
        focus on fleet renewal, operational   partnerships to inform the future   launching the Aviators Group and
        efficiencies, renewable energy tran-  of flight.                        the WEF Clean Skies for Tomorrow
        sition with a focus on sustainable                                      2030 Ambition Statement on SAF.
        aviation fuels (SAF) and advanced   Our near-term emphasis is on SAF.
        technology.                         It is widely accepted today as a    Our focus continues to be on
                                            drop-in replacement for conven-     advancing our strategic partnership
        Fuel efficiency is an area where our   tional jet fuel that will work with   with Vietnam, the seeds of which
        advanced engineering expertise is   existing airplanes, yet have sub-   we planted decades ago when our
        creating measurable impact. Each    stantially lower carbon emissions.   aircraft first went into service in the
        new generation of aircraft reduces   SAF is in regular use today and    skies above Vietnam. Since then
        fuel  use  and  emissions  by  15-25   offers  the  most  immediate  and   we have worked to develop and
        per cent. Boeing has invested more   greatest potential to              strengthen Vietnam’s aerospace
        than US$60 billion over the last 10   reduce carbon emissions over the   capabilities. Boeing investments in
        years in key strategic areas includ-  next 20 to 30 years in all aviation   Vietnam have helped grow the local
        ing innovative technologies such    segments.                           aerospace sector, creating jobs and
        as the digital thread, carbon com-                                      driving innovation.
        posite materials, advanced high     As Vietnam is a net energy importer,
        bypass-ratio engine designs and     sustainable aviation fuels are      As in other areas, Boeing is commit-
        other aerodynamic improvements      especially important to the nation.   ted to innovation and partnerships
        that  improve  environmental  effi-  Boeing is a pioneer in making sus-  for sustainability in Vietnam. We
        ciency. During the pandemic, many   tainable aviation fuels a reality,   recently joined Australia’s national
        of our customers have chosen to     partnering globally with airlines,   science agency, CSIRO, and the
        accelerate retiring older airplanes   industry, governments and research   Vietnam National Space Center
        to  optimize  their  fleets  with  the   institutions to expand limited sup-  (VNSC) to help build a technical
        latest and most efficient models.   plies and reduce the fuels’ cost.   foundation for analysing satellite
                                                                                data  for  the  benefit  of  environ-
        Diverse partnerships are at the     Last year, Boeing announced that    mental monitoring and sustainable
        heart of some of the most promis-   our commercial airplanes will be    agriculture. This is a first step and
        ing areas of sustainable aviation.   capable and certified to fly on 100   there’s more to be done. It is only
        For example, there is industry-wide   per cent sustainable aviation fuels   through collaboration can we
        collaboration to develop network    by 2030. We announced a part-       ensure a sustainable future for avi-
        operational efficiencies which col-  nership with SkyNRG to scale the   ation in Vietnam.
        lectively can reduce emissions
        by about 10 per cent. Boeing
        continues to work with airlines,
        government customers, air naviga-
        tion service providers and airports
        on  efficiency  improvements.  We
        develop services to leverage
        data for fuel efficiency, help cus-
        tomers  optimize  flight  planning
        and provide pilots with real-time
        weather  and  traffic  information.

        We have also formed important  Jacqueline Lam Regional Lead-Southeast Asia, Global Sustainability
        partnerships around the world in   Policy and Partnerships, Boeing International and Michael Nguyen,
                                           Country Director, Boeing Vietnam

        VIETNAM AVIATION EXPO 2022                                                              2022 SEPTEMBER |  11
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