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                                   ON A HIGH



        Vietnam’s civil aviation sector     one of the major carriers in the    Since its start of operations,
        is one of the fastest growing in    region operating 94 routes to 22    Vietnam Airlines pursued a strong
        Southeast Asia and the nation is    domestic and 29 international des-  culture of professionalism and tech-
        now home to several homegrown       tinations with an average of 400    nical excellence. This create the
        carriers that are competing on an   flights per day. The carrier which   necessary professional expertise
        even keel with other carriers in the   is now witnessing a rapid rebound   within the airline which allowed it to
        region. Just like their global coun-  in  passenger  traffic  announced   become the first airline in the world
        terparts, Vietnamese carriers were   in June that it would to return to   in 2015, to simultaneously operate
        also severely buffeted during the   Terminal T4 at London Heathrow      the Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner and
        COVID-19 pandemic but are now       Airport after completing all the    Airbus A350-900 XWB in 2015.
        reporting impressive growth rates.   required logistics activities.     The carrier was also one of the first
        This is especially the case on inter-                                   B787 operators in South East Asia
        national routes, after Vietnam                                          and today operates both the 787-9
        officially reopened its international
        flight network in mid-February.                                         and 787-10. Vietnam Airlines took
                                                                                delivery of its first 787-9 in July 2015
        The major drivers for the rebound in                                    and the 10th aircraft was deliv-
        air travel in Vietnam are its  growing                                  ered in November 2016. This was
        tourism industry, the emergence of                                      followed by delivery of the first of
        low-cost carriers (LCC), and strong                                     eight 787-10 Dreamliners in August
        economic growth. Vietnam was the                                        2019. These eight 787-10’s are on
        world’s seventh fastest-growing avi-                                    lease from global aircraft lessor, Air
        ation market in the year 2020 and                                       Lease Corporation.
        had the highest average growth      “Following the gradual recovery
        rate in Southeast Asia at 17.4 per   of the aviation worldwide Vietnam   Vietnam Airlines’ 787-10 aircraft
        cent as compared to 6.1 per cent    Airlines is fully prepared to meet the   are  configured  with  367  seats
        in ASEAN. The nation’s growing      growing demand from international   (24 in Business Class and 343 in
        airport and airline infrastructure is    markets which  will substantially   Economy Class). The 787-10 is the
        key to its efforts to emerge as the   contribute to the country’s post   largest member of Boeing’s 787
        aviation gateway of Southeast Asia   pandemic economy growth,” a com-   family and can carry up to 40
        in particular and Asia in general.   pany official said.  In June, Vietnam   more passengers as compared to
                                            Airlines  officially  launched  non-  the 787-9.  The 787-10 has a pub-
        Vietnam Airlines                    stop  flights  connecting  Vietnam   lished range of 11,910 km providing
        Vietnam Airlines which was founded   and India and the flights are oper-  Vietnam Airlines with the perfect
                                                                                combination of size and efficiency
        in May 1995 and has grown into      ated by wide-body Boeing 787 and
                                            Airbus A350 jetliners.              to serve high-demand routes. The

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