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          ARE KEY



        With Vietnam opening its borders    Vietnam ranks on top with the       recently ranking Vietnam among
        to international travel and forg-   fastest domestic aviation market    the top three countries in the world
        ing ahead with the resumption of    recovery in the world. There is     with the fastest implementation
        pre-pandemic activities, the coun-  growing interest and awareness      of sustainable development goals.
        try is setting ambitious targets for   in Vietnam on sustainability, with   Vietnam’s commitments to tackle
        its tourism industry—a near-term    sustainable development becoming    climate change made at the UN
        goal of 65 million domestic tourists   a part of the nation’s governance   Climate Change Conference (COP26)
        and five million international arriv-  agenda. The Government’s National   are noteworthy.
        als by end of 2022.                 Action Plan for the implementa-
                                            tion of a sustainable development   By 2050 we see a world where air
        Vietnam is a rapidly developing avi-  agenda for Vietnam with specific   travel will carry over 10 billion pas-
        ation market in Southeast Asia with   targets between now and 2030      sengers a year, support 180 million
        a strong tourism infrastructure. Ho   is  commendable.  More  recently,   jobs and generate nearly US$9 tril-
        Chi Minh City and Hanoi are opti-   Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc     lion in economic activity, all while
                                                                                minimizing the impact on our planet
        mally situated within a 4-5 hour    approved the National Strategy on   (source: Air Transport Action Group).
        flying range from 17 countries.     Green Growth for 2021-2030, with a   Asia  Pacific  and  Southeast  Asia
                                            vision to achieve net-zero emissions   have  a  significant  role  to  play  in
        The Vietnamese aviation sector      by 2050.                            that growth. For Boeing, the essence
        also grew faster than many other                                        of sustainability is about meeting
        markets in the last 10 years, with   Vietnam is a rapidly developing    the needs of the present without
        strong new entrants into the        aviation market in Southeast        compromising the ability of future
        industry, while its large domestic   Asia with a strong tourism infra-  generations to meet their own.
        population, burgeoning middle       structure. Ho Chi Minh City and     How can we sustain the growing
        class, increasing international inte-  Hanoi  are  optimally  situated   aviation sector while minimizing its
        gration of its business environment   within a 4-5 hour flying range    impact on our planet? It involves a
        and growing manufacturing base                                          multi-faceted global approach and
        ensure that Vietnam’s fundamen-     from 17 countries.                  partnerships that allow the avia-
        tals in aviation remain strong.                                         tion industry to decarbonize while
                                            These efforts have not gone unno-   ensuring the societal and economic
        According to the International      ticed,  with  the United Nations    benefits of aerospace are available
        Air Transport Association (IATA),   Development Program (UNDP)          to people everywhere.

        10  | 2022 SEPTEMBER                                                                 WWW . GBP. COM . SG
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