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than 8,000 direct employees in Europe and      Q  What are your focus areas in the next five years
        Boeing employs over 2,000 people in engi-     and why?
        neering positions across Europe. Over €15
        billion in aircraft components is sourced by
        Boeing from hundreds of European partners    We’re entering an era in which rapidly evolving technology will
        in  the  last  five  years.  Boeing  Research  &   determine how wars are fought and won. Boeing’s focus is to
        Technology-Europe scientists work with over   assist militaries prepare for the present and future threat environ-
        200 industry partners on advanced research   ment by addressing capability gaps and expanding our innovative
        initiatives. The company has committed over   capabilities. We see demand for heavy lift and attack helicopter
        US$2B in community investments over the      capabilities. Maritime Domain Awareness will require capabilities
        last 10 years.                               that offer the speed, reach, endurance and lethality to neutralize
                                                     growing martime surface and sub-surface threats. Additionally,
        Our defense, security and services solutions  the need for a Airborne Battle Management capability is critical
        play an integral role in the military, peacekeep-  to address increasing air incursions. This highlights the necessity
        ing and humanitarian assistance operations  for AEW&C capability. Militaries selecting these capabilities will
        of NATO and many European nations and we  need to consider the importance of interoperability and inter-
        look forward to supporting them. In addition,  changeability to leverage the total force posture of the NATO
        strong demand for our products and services  alliance and therefore drive to more common fleets.
        in Europe is leading to discussions with militar-
        ies and industry partners in the region about   Boeing’s defense portfolio, including the P-8, E-7, KC-46, AH-64
        how to tap into Boeing’s capabilities, manu-  Apache, CH-47 Chinook and other platforms, is well positioned to
        facturing, innovation, R&D, partnerships and   address these future needs, and our newly established franchise
        services expertise. Boeing continues to invest   programs - T-7, MQ-25, MQ-28 - have a long runway ahead. We
        in Europe, opening sites in Germany, Poland   are expanding our capabilities in key areas such as analytics,
        and the UK and adding new European high-     autonomy, artificial intelligence, additive and advanced man-
        tech manufacturers to our supply chain. New   ufacturing, automation, platform connectivity and data-driven
        employment opportunities at Boeing’s state-  services. We also have a significant opportunity to drive opera-
        of-the-art facilities across Europe empower   tional advantage, efficacy and resiliency for our armed forces by
        leading scientists, engineers, technicians and   ensuring our forces are as sustainable as possible. That means
        experts to reach their full potential.       replacing old aircraft with more efficient options, scaling the
                                                     development and production of sustainable aviation fuels and
                                                     leveraging data and digital tools where possible to streamline
                                                     costs and accelerate learning.

          Q  Can you elaborate on your defense
          business and partnerships in Europe?         Q  Could you give us an update on the P-8 for Germany
                                                      and your P-8 offer 8 for Canada’s Multi-Mission Aircraft,
        Boeing’s defence and space platforms are in   and on the E-7. Besides the USAF, we have learnt that
        service with 25 European partners and include   Australia, South Korea, Turkey, and the U.K. are consid-
        almost all products in our portfolio - CH-47   ering to buy the E-7.
        Chinook, AH-64 Apache, F/A-18, ScanEagle,
        Wave Glider, KC-135, KC-767 Tanker, AWACS,  We’re pleased with Germany’s procurement decision of five P-8A
        P-8, WGS, 702HP Satellite, JDAM, SDB and  Poseidon aircraft. It underscores its confidence in the P-8A’s supe-
        Harpoon.  We’re proud of our partnership  rior long-range, multi-domain and multi-mission capability. Along
        with SAAB on T-7 and also with Leonardo on  with our industry partners ESG and Lufthansa Technik, Boeing
        MH-139. 12 Strategic Airlift Capability pro-  is committed to delivering strong economic growth in Germany,
        gramme nations have been operating the C-17  including the creation of highly skilled aerospace jobs. We look
        Globemaster III at Papa Air Base, Hungary for  forward to working with the U.S. and German governments in
        almost 15 years.  Boeing has closely partnered  finalizing this new contract and delivering the first aircraft to
        with NATO and the European defense com-      Germany in 2024.
        munity for decades and platforms, solutions
        and services have played an important role   We’re also confident that Canada’s Canadian Multi-Mission
        in NATO and European military, peacekeep-    Aircraft (CMMA) project requirements will be best met by the
        ing and humanitarian assistance operations.   P-8. The P-8A is the only proven, in-service and in production
        We support a strong trans-Atlantic defense   solution that meets all CMMA requirements plus a P-8 procure-
        technological and industrial base that       ment would provide local industrial benefits in the order of CAD
        remains open to robust defense industrial    $4B and 14,000 direct, indirect, and induced jobs in Canada.
        collaboration.                               Even today every P-8 contains more than CAD $11M of made
                                                     in Canada components, so the P-8 program has delivered more
                                                     than CAD $1.5B of economic benefit to Canada through the
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