Page 17 - SEOUL ADEX 2023 - DAY 1
P. 17


                                                                                                   Kim Min Seok,
                                                                                                KAIA Vice Chairman

        ADEX to be Third Largest                                                      exciting products and capabilities that our
                                                                                      companies have to offer. IDEX is a great
                                                                                      opportunity  for  us  to  showcase  all  the
        Aerospace and Defence                                                         exciting products and capabilities that our
                                                                                      companies have to offer. We want to cele-
                                                                                      brate our companies in the best possible
        Trade Show by 2025:                                                           manner.

                                                                                      “There is so much interest in the South
        KAIA Vice Chairman                                                            Korean defence industry these days,” Min
                                                                                      Seok added. “This has resulted in a huge
                                                                                      increase in the number of international
                                                                                      visitors to ADEX.  We get people from all
        The  exponential  growth  of  the  Korean  organizers would have added a second   over the world, especially from the United
        defence industry is reflected in the growing  building, further expanding the exhibition  States, Europe, and Asia. This year, we sent
        stature of Seoul International Aerospace  space. There are plans to make the outdoor  201 invitation letters to delegations in 75
        and Defence Exhibition (ADEX), the larg-  exhibition area larger as well, adding more  countries. We have more than 100 official
        est and most comprehensive trade show   space for chalets.                    delegations attending. We anticipate this
        in Northeast Asia.                                                            year’s event to attract 300,000 visitors.”
                                               “In 2019 and 2021, we closed bookings for
        The next edition will see the event expand-  indoor exhibition space in June,” said the   There  are  two  main  reasons  for  the
        ing substantially in size as well, says Korea   KAIA vice chairman. “This time, we ran out   eye-catching growth of the South Korean
                                               of exhibition area space and had to close
        Aerospace Industries Association (KAIA)   bookings in January. The exhibition area   defence industry said Min Seok. “We have
        Vice Chairman Kim Min Seok.  Construction   has been expanded and we have a 30 %   a very active industry; our association itself
        of a new building for the indoor exhibition   increase in the number of exhibitors. The   has 120 members. Like other countries, we
        area is expected to begin in November this   waiting list we had this year is longer than  went through a tough time during the pan-
        year, soon after the curtains come down on   in previous editions.”           demic, but we just kept going, doing what
        the current edition of the event.                                             he had to do to make our domestic industry
                                               The mass production of Korea Aerospace  more resilient. The products that we make
        “ADEX is now among the top five trade  Industries’ (KAI) KF-21 Boramae is expected  are proven and they are significantly less
        shows in the world in terms of size,” said  to commence next year. The combat air-  expensive than those made in Europe or
        Min Seok in an exclusive interview with  craft is expected to enter service in 2026,  North America.”
        Daily News. “In 2025, we will become the  according  to  the  Defence  Acquisition
        third largest trade fair in the world after   Programme Administration. The company   With companies such as Boeing and Airbus
        the  Paris  and  Farnborough  airshows.   is also developing an unmanned version of   actively pursuing Korean industry partner-
        Compared to the Singapore Airshow, we   its FA-50 Fighting Eagle light combat air-  ships,  the  future  is  bright  for  domestic
        have a smaller exhibit area for now, but   craft to serve as a loyal wingman for the   companies, said Min Seok. “Many of the
        by 2025, we will have 40,000 m2 of indoor   KF-21 Boramae.                    major  international  companies  have  a
        exhibition space, compared to their 37,000   Min Seok believes the growth of the event  sizable footprint here and are looking to
        m2.”                                   is testament to the speedy and sustained  expand. At the end of this year or early next
                                               growth of the country’s defence industry.  year, South Korea will launch an indepen-
        The new building will add 9,000 sq meters   “The  KF-21  Boramae  is  just  one  of  the  dent aerospace administration to assume
        of indoor exhibition space, said Min Seok.   sophisticated  weapons  that  our  indus-  charge of space programs and aeronautics
        The expansion plans do not end there. By  try is known for,” he said. IDEX offers us  research. There is a lot happening in the
        the 2027 edition of the biennial event, the  a great opportunity to showcase all the  aerospace and defence sector.”
        SEOUL ADEX 2023                                                                                  OCTOBER-17-2023 17
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