P. 3

...Cont’d from PG 1

        The company’s revenue last year was US$2.5
        billion, up from its 2022 numbers. “Our new
        orders last year were worth US$5 billion,”
        says Akyol. “We have already reached US$3
        billion in the first seven months. When or-
        ders are better than deliveries, it means
        we are growing. With our vast range of
        products, we are equipped to support all
        platforms, including aircraft, helicopters,
        tanks, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs),
        submarines, ships and even the space do-
        main. We have a very vibrant and hard-
        working workforce; the average age of our
        employees is 34. In the next 30 years, we
        are going to jump significantly.”

        The exponential growth of the Turkish de-
        fence industry is one of the major reasons
        why Akyol is optimistic that Aselsan, pro-
        ducer of military electronics and defence
        systems, will reach its 2030 goal. “Turkey
        was earlier known for sub-systems, but over
        the last 4-5 years, many indigenous Turkish   customers. That is a big advantage.”  integrated avionics systems, communica-
        platforms such as aircraft, helicopters, UAVs                                 tion systems, and electronic warfare (EW)
        and ships have been acquired and deployed   The company, established 49 years ago  systems. “We can completely equip an
        with our payloads, not only by the Turkish   with just four engineers, is now a military  aircraft or UAV with our systems. As of
        military but also by many international cus-  technology giant acknowledged in global  today, the company’s products are in use
        tomers. We can therefore showcase our   circles.  “We have 11,000 employees in our  in 88 countries Last year, we added four
        combat-proven products to international   company. We also have 18 subsidiaries.  new countries and also introduced 20 new
                                               All included, we have 14,00 employees.  products.”
                                               Aselsan is the largest defence company
                                               in Turkey, and we serve all platforms and  One of the major products that the company
                                               domains. We have 18 international offices  is highlighting at the biennial event is the
                                               and subsidiaries in 16 countries. Sixty three  combat-proven ASELFLIR-500 electro-op-
                                               percent of our employees are engineers,”  tical reconnaissance, surveillance and tar-
                                               says Akyol.                            geting system. Among the other products is
                                                                                      the ALP 300-G Early Warning Radar System,
                                                Surprising as it is for a company of such  which enhances air defence capabilities
                                               international stature, Aselsan is making its  with its dual axis AESA (Active Electronically
                                               debut as an exhibitor at Farnborough. “We  Scanned Array) technology, and MURAD
                                               are now ready to showcase our proven prod-  110-A AESA nose radar, adaptable for F-16
                                               ucts in the air domain to the international  and other platforms. Also being showcased
                                               market. The Show offers us a perfect plat-  is the SKYDOME Air Defence System, which
                                               form for that. We are looking to collaborate  provides robust protection against diverse
                                               with international partners from friendly  airborne threats.
                                                                                      “We offer products that are not only su-
                                               Aselsan is showcasing 50 different payloads  perior in quality compared to that of the
                                               at the ongoing Show, in seven different  competition but also cost-effective. That
                                               technological areas such as electro-optical  is a major reason for our growth. The other
                                               reconnaissance, surveillance, and targeting  differentiating factor is that we are working
                                               systems, radar systems, guided munitions,  really hard, as a team.”

                                          Editorial Director       Arun Sivasankaran           Art Director
                                          Vittorio Rossi Prudente  Sudheesh Kularmunda
                                                                   Atul Chandra
                                          Editorial Team                                       Sales Director
         PUBLISHED BY                     Jay Menon                Yulian Ardiansyah           Akshay Satyamurthy
                                          Geoffrey Thomas

        FARNBOROUGH INTERNATIONAL AIRSHOW 2024                                                               JULY-24-2024 3
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