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Avolon to Buy 310 New Engines for A320neo Family
Jets, Orders Valued at Over US$5 billion
Avolon has announced orders for 310 new
engines to power 155 Airbus A320neo fam-
ily aircraft in its order book. Avolon will
purchase 160 GTF engines from Pratt &
Whitney, and 150 LEAP-1A engines from
CFM International.
The combined orders, announced on the
second day of the ongoin Show, are valued
at over US$5 billion at current list prices.
The agreement also includes options to
purchase a further 160 Pratt & Whitney
engines and 150 CFM International engines.
The orders represent Avolon’s largest ever
engine commitment.
fleet will be supported by deliveries of the “These engines will power our orderbook
Both engine types help to lower carbon A320 neo family aircraft out to 2032 that of A320neo family aircraft and put us in an
emissions by delivering at least 15% re- these engines will power. excellent position to service our customers’
duced fuel consumption compared to pre- narrowbody requirements out to 2030 and
vious generation engine technology, and beyond,” said Andy Cronin, CEO Avolon.
also reduced noise levels. Transitioning the Avolon currently has 115 A320neo family “Engine innovation has been one of the key
global fleet to new technology aircraft is the aircraft in its delivered and managed fleet, tools to lower emissions and support the
biggest near-term action that can be taken of which 39 are powered by Pratt & Whitney industry’s decarbonisation journey. We are
to reduce aviation emissions, and Avolon is engines and 76 by CFM International en- delighted to be working with both Pratt &
committed to a target of having over 75% gines. Following its order for 100 A321neo Whitney and CFM International, and excited
of its fleet comprising the youngest, most aircraft in December 2023, Avolon now about leveraging their engines to support the
fuel-efficient aircraft by the end of 2025. has an orderbook of 279 A320neo family transition of our fleet to more fuel-efficient
Beyond its 2025 target, the evolution of its aircraft. technology.”
We are confident that the A-29 meets the
current and future needs of the FAP”, says
Fabio Caparica, Commercial Vice President
for Latin America at Embraer Defense &
“The Paraguayan Air Force (FAP) has the
constitutional mission of safeguarding ter-
ritorial integrity and, within its scope, exer-
cising effective sovereignty over airspace,
facing new threats, such as combating
drug trafficking and transnational orga-
Embraer to Deliver Six A-29 nized crime”, said Air General Júlio Rubén
Fullaondo Céspedes, Commander of the
Super Tucano to Paraguay Paraguayan Air Force. “To face emerging
threats, we are in the process of moderniz-
ing our aerial and detection capabilities…”
A day after it announced that the attack, and advanced training missions
Netherlands would acquire nine multi-mis- on a single platform, which exponentially The A-29 Super Tucano boasts over 260
sion C-390 Millennium in a joint order with increases the institutions’ availability and orders, and has surpassed 550,000 flight
Austria, Embraer said on the second day operational flexibility. The contract includes hours, 60,000 of those in combat. The air-
of the ongoing Show that it had closed the mission equipment and an integrated logis- craft offers a wide range of missions such
sale of six A-29 Super Tucano aircraft to tics services agreement. as close air support, air patrol, special op-
the Paraguayan Air Force (FAP). Deliveries erations, air interdiction, JTAC, forward air
are scheduled from 2025. “We are honored by the Paraguayan Air controller (FAC), air and tactical coordinator
Force (FAP) decision and very pleased (TAC), Armed ISR, border surveillance, re-
As a multi-mission aircraft, the A-29 pro- to be able to announce more A-29 Super connaissance, air escort, basic, operational
vides air forces with versatility for armed Tucano sales, which is a leading aircraft and advanced training, transition to air supe-
reconnaissance, close air support, light in the international market in its segment. riority fighters, JTAC/LIFT and FAC training.