P. 1



        GLOBAL BUSINESS PRESS                                                                            WWW.GBP.COM.SG

         Goal is to be Among Top 30 Defence                                              Embraer 20-Year

         Firms by 2030: Aselsan CEO Ahmet Akyol                                          Market Outlook

                                             Ahmet Akyol,President & CEO of Turkish      Forecasts
                                             defence major Aselsan, is on a mission      Demand for 10,500
                                             – to ensure that the company that he
                                             leads is among the top 30 defence firms     Sub-150-seat Jets
                                             in the world by 2030.
                                                                                         and Turboprops
                                             “It is an achievable goal if we continue
                                             our 10 percent growth rate and I am
                                             confident that we will,” Akyol says in
                                             an interview with Arun Sivasankaran.
                                             “We were 47th on the list last year. This
                                             year, we hope to be higher on the list.
                                             How high, we will have to wait and see.”

                     INTERVIEW                                                                                  SEE P/5
                                                                    ...Cont’d to PG 3

                                                                                      Supernal and Sigma Air
          Avolon to Buy 310 New Engines                                               Mobility Collaborate on

          for A320neo Family Jets, Orders                                             AAM Market Development

          Valued at Over US$5 billion                                                 Supernal and Sigma Air Mobility have
                                                                                      announced a joint effort to identify and
                                                                                      develop targeted markets for future
          Avolon has announced orders for 310 new engines to power 155 Airbus         AAM infrastructure and investments,
          A320neo family aircraft in its order book. Avolon will purchase 160 GTF en-  targeting key markets in South and
          gines from Pratt & Whitney, and 150 LEAP-1A engines from CFM International.  Southeast Asia and potential opportu-
                                                                                      nities in Southern Europe.
            SEE P/4
                                                                                        SEE P/5

                                                                    Show Debut for  MBDA

                                                                    MANPADS VSHORAD

                                                                    A new MANPADS (Man Portable Air Defence System)
                                                                    VSHORAD (Very Short Range Air Defence) solution is
                                                                    being showcased by MBDA for the first time at the on-
                                                                    going airshow.

                                                                    The new MANPADS VSHORAD solution is under de-
                                                                    velopment for the Italian Army and is now ready to be
             SEE P/10
                                                                    marketed to export customers.
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