P. 12
Our Power And Thermal
Management System
on the F-35, is by far the
most advanced system
in operation today
oneywell Aerospace has everything from the Environmental
been a partner in the Control System, is plugged into the
F-35 programme since life support system, the Auxiliary
H the beginning and the Power Units (APU), emergency
aerospace firm’s Power Thermal power units, etc.
Management System (PTMS) is
one of the key systems aboard We took a whole bunch of federated
the 5th generation fighter jet. The systems and integrated them to the
PTMS is now being upgraded to point, where we were able to shave
meet the enhanced cooling needs off over a foot in length, of the Matt Milas,
of more advanced versions of the aircraft (which helped reduce the President, Defence and
F-35, says Matt Milas, president, Radar Cross Section and increase Space for Honeywell Aerospace
Defence and Space for Honeywell stealth) and about 500kg of weight
Aerospace, in an exclusive inter- and save several percentage points systems that really advance the
view with Technology Editor, Atul of lifecycle cost reduction in the entire aircraft. We also provide a
Chandra. design phase. lot of other components, everything
from wheels and brakes and about
Q Please provide an insight To this point our PTMS, has been 100 different part numbers across
into Honeywell’s role in the F-35 operating pretty much flawlessly, the F 35.
Programme. supporting the power and thermal
cooling needs of the aircraft as its We are also looking at sixth gener-
Honeywell has been a partner of evolved. We are now looking as to ation aircraft, and we are involved
the F-35 programme since the very how to advance the PTMS to meet in all of those, and we are looking
beginning and we’ve brought a lot the enhanced cooling needs of the at how to advance the technologies
of technological innovations that F-35 Block IV and beyond; where that we have presently. And what
really helped Lockheed Martin win they will be going from about 30 we are actually looking at doing is
the programme at the very onset. kW of cooling, to upwards to 40-50- bringing some of that sixth gener-
A key part of this is the F-35’s 60 kW of cooling, as they bring in ation technology, and be able to
Power And Thermal Management new Block IV avionics, new radars, retrofit it back into the F 35, which
System (PTMS), which incorporates new integrated core processing will keep it relevant and capable