P. 13
that are out there and all the new
development programmes that are
happening, basically across the
world. Everything from activities in
Turkey and South Korea, and activ-
ities even going on in Japan with
GCAP with UK and Italy. So we’re
very involved because our systems
are prolific, with everything from,
environmental control systems,
cooling capabilities and we have
actually developed a wide range of
ITAR free technologies, that we are
incorporating into a lot of different
platforms, not just air platforms, but
land, maritime space, and cyber.
For the Korea Aerospace Industries
and their KF-21 we are working with
them and a lot of Korean Industries,
on several of our items, including
everything from navigation systems,
and guidance systems. Particularly
into the future. The PTMS that advanced heat exchangers that are for the KF 21 these are embedded
we have on the F-35, is by far the able to extract more heat and work GPS and IMUs for the aircraft, so
most advanced system in opera- with the heat sinks and thermody- aggregate overall system to help
tion today. We are taking it as the namics of how to get that heat off, with the guidance, navigation.
baseline of what we are looking at, the hot liquid loop and process it. You know, that is one of those key
for several of the sixth generation components that we provide. When
aircraft for which they are opportu- Beyond this if we want to go up to it comes to our inertial manage-
nities out there. Granted, we can do say, 80 kW of cooling and really ment units, it is one of those things
some new things with the advanced push the level, we would look to that is just prolific across not just
manufacturing technologies that we add inline systems. We have vapor aircraft, but land vehicles as well
have today, such as additive man- cycle systems, vapor cooling sys- as in missile guidance systems,
ufacturing which allows us to do tems that are able to take another missile defence guidance systems.
microtubes and introduce geome- level of thermodynamics, you can So we’re working with a lot of
tries that were not possible with the put these in different parts of the international customers for these
manufacturing technologies present aircraft, and be able to run them in technologies and incorporating
20 years ago. So for the future, we parallel. So this would allow us to them into indigenous programmes
can incorporate some of those new add, additional cooling capability for whether it be fighters trans-
things, but nothing flying today has those aircraft that have that require- port trainers, or missile defence
the capability that our PTMS offers. ment, of course, not every aircraft systems.
needs that level of cooling. So this
gives us a modular capability that We are working to make that
Q What is the growth potential can be added to those aircraft that technology export compliant, but
on the power management require it without the requirement to are also looking at how do we
system currently and to what retrofit and impact every aircraft. develop technologies in a country
extent can you still improve and and region and provide more of
enhance its performance? Q What are the market prospects that technology transfer into those
for Honeywell Aerospace in the countries. Essentially outside of
So within the envelope of what we region and for emerging aircraft Russia and China, we’re pretty
currently have for the PTMS, we programmes? much involved in everything that is
can get up to 60-62 kW of cool- in development with the USA and
ing capability. We can do this by So, I will say that, you know, we U.S. allies and we work very closely
enhancing some of the flowthrough are looking across the board and on developing and engaging with
on the cold liquid loop, add some supporting a wide variety of aircraft those technologies..