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IDEF: Roketsan Readies ATMACA Anti-Ship Missile

Jay Menon - : Aug 19, 2021 - : 5:59 am

The Turkish Naval Forces plans to induct the ATMACA Anti-Ship Missile this year.

ATMACA is currently undergoing firing tests. With its long-range, low-trail and high target-striking accuracy, the anti-ship missile will provide additional strength to modern naval platforms.

ATMACA, which can be used in any weather condition, includes countermeasure resistance, target update, re-attack and mission cancellation capabilities. It is also effective against fixed and moving targets. In addition, it has advanced mission planning capability (3D routing). The missile makes use of its Global Positioning System (GPS), its Inertial Navigation System (INS), and its Barometric Altimeter and Radar Altimeter sub-systems to navigate towards its target, while its Active Radar Seeker hits the target with high accuracy.

With a range of more than 220 km, ATMACA also poses a major threat to targets located beyond the line-of-sight. Furthermore, its sophisticated and modern data link provides the abilities to update its target, to re-attack and to terminate the mission. With different operational modes; such as time on target, designated time on target, simultaneous time on target, and ripple firing, ATMACA can perform the most effective role for the mission in hand.

Roketsan aims to enhance the capabilities of the missile with new versions soon, equipped with including - but not limited to - Imaging Infrared Seekers and Dual Seekers. There will also be more platform options, with versions launched from submarines and vertical launch systems.

ATMACA is on display at IDEF’21 in Istanbul, Turkey.

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