Page 18 - AAA JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2012 Online Magazine
P. 18


                                                                                • Amenities for staff and crew
                                                                                • Business aviation – A park environment
                                                                                catering  to  well-heeled  travellers  aug-
                                                                                mented with fuss-free, business-friendly
                                                                                immigration and airport processes
                                                                                • Regional aerospace campus – Dedi-
                                                                                cated  space  for  campus  facilities  and
                                                                                dormitories  which  will  be  integrated
                                                                                with  the  industrial  park  to  facilitate
                                                                                company collaborations
                                                                                • Airport – Designed to support indus-
                                                                                trial  and  business  aviation  activities,
                                                                                the airport will be instrument approach
                                                                                enabled with a 1800m runway, aircraft
                                                                                parking bays and engine run-up bay.
                                                                                  The completion of the airport’s new
                                                                                control  tower  in  January  this  year
                                                                                marks  another  milestone  in  the  SAP’s
                                                                                development, Following the completion
                                                                                of the runway extension in September
                                                                                last  year.  Lui  Tuck  Yew,  Minister  for
                                                                                Transport and Second Minister for For-
                                                                                eign  Affairs,  officially  commissioned
                                                                                the  new  control  tower  and  extended
                                                                                runway at a ceremony jointly organised
                                                                                by the Civil Aviation Authority of Sin-
                                                                                gapore  (CAAS)  and  Changi  Airport
                                                                                Group (CAG) at Seletar Airport.
                                                                                  Speaking at the event, Lui noted that
                                                                                Seletar  has  embarked  on  a  major  up-
                                                                                grading  programme  since  the  end  of
                                                                                2008, of which the new control tower is
                                                                                just one element.
                                                                                  “The  SAP  has  successfully  com-
                                                                                pleted its Phase 1 and 2 development
                                                                                [in the fourth quarter of 2011]. In order
                                                                                to keep pace with the strong demand
                                                                                from the aerospace industry. JTC Cor-
       light aircraft                       companies  that  set  up  in  Seletar  can   poration  [the  government  agency  de-
       • Business & general aviation activities  reap the benefits of business infrastruc-  veloping the park] will be embarking
       •  Regional  aviation  campus,  which  ture and the synergies on offer. These   on the third and final phase of devel-
       will house a leading aeronautical uni-  benefits include economies of scale, in-  opment  this  year.  I  hope  to  see  more
       versity, training institutes and research  creased efficiency and opportunity for   companies setting up their operations
       facilities                           new  industry  collaborations  through   here to capitalise on the synergies and
          When  fully  completed,  the  park  is  the  shared  infrastructure,  close  prox-  economies of scale provided by an inte-
       expected  to  contribute  an  estimated  imity of suppliers, customers and part-  grated aerospace cluster.”
       S$3.3 billion to the Singapore economy  ners  within  a  tightly-knit  aerospace   Lui noted that the extension of the
       and cater for 10,000 skilled jobs. To put  business community.           runway by 250m to 1,836m will bring
       that into context, in 2010 the aerospace   The park has also been designed to   benefits.  “In  the  past,  Seletar  Airport
       industry was worth S$7.2 billion to Sin-  offer high flexibility and optimisation   was  only  able  to  accommodate  small
       gapore, so Seletar will be worth nearly  of space, including;            narrow-body  aircraft  like  the  Airbus
       half  that  total  (which  is  expected  to  • Plug-and-play environment – Provi-  A319  and  A320.  “The  longer  runway
       grow to S$9.3 billion by 2015.       sion for power, water and telecommu-  will support larger jets like the Boeing
          The  idea  behind  the  park  is  that  nications                     757 and Gulfstream 650,” notes Lui.

       18  ASIAN AIRLINES & AIRPORTS  January/February 2012                               
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