Page 19 - AAA JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2012 Online Magazine
P. 19


                                                                                the controller’s reach.
                                                                                  Seletar Airport currently operates a
                                                                                visual runway; pilots can only land at
                                                                                the airport if they have a clear view of
                                                                                the runway. The airport is therefore not
                                                                                able to receive aircraft in bad weather.
                                                                                The new control tower and an ILS that
                                                                                will  be  installed  in  2014  will  enable
                                                                                Seletar  Airport  to  handle  all-weather
                                                                                flight operations.
                                                                                  The  airport  will  be  able  to  receive
                                                                                aircraft in poor visibility or inclement
          ST  Aerospace  has  its  freighter  con-  the upgrading works. We look forward  weather conditions any time of the day,
       version  facility  at  Seletar,  so  757s  are  to their ongoing support as we contin-  thereby  enhancing  its  operational  ca-
       not infrequent visitors to this far flung  ue to improve the airport’s infrastruc-  pability.
       corner  of  the  island.  However,  up  to  ture,”  said  Lim  Ching  Kiat,  General   Relocated to its new premises adja-
       now  there  have  been  operational  re-  Manager, Seletar Airport.      cent to the new control tower, the air-
       strictions  on  take  offs  and  landings   Seletar Airport was the first airbase  port’s fire station has also undergone a
       due to the runway length. “This exten-  built  in  Singapore.  Some  of  its  infra-  significant  upgrade.  The  new  fire  sta-
       sion  will  pre-position  Seletar  Airport  structure  and  facilities  date  back  to  tion  enhances  the  Airport  Emergency
       and Singapore for future growth of the  pre-World War II. In 2007, the SAP proj-  Service’s  (AES)  capability  to  respond
       aerospace industry.” noted Lui.      ect was launched, with Seletar Airport  swiftly  to  crisis  situations.  The  nerve
          “Seletar Airport is the backbone of  to be upgraded into a modern airport.  centre of AES’ operations, also known
       SAP, providing the connectivity to the   Upgrading   and   redevelopment  as  the  Watchroom,  is  now  positioned
       region needed to spur the growth of the  works  commenced  in  2008.  The  en-  to achieve better situational awareness,
       SAP  community.  The  successful  com-  hancements included a longer runway,  with a clearer surveillance view of the
       pletion of key infrastructure develop-  a  new  control  tower  and  fire  station,  runway  and  aircraft  movement  areas.
       ments at Seletar Airport will enhance  double the number of parking stands,  The  station’s  Fire  Alarm  Monitoring
       its operational efficiency and strength-  additional taxiways, upgraded aircraft  System has also been enhanced to in-
       en  its  capabilities,  thereby  delivering  parking  aprons  and  an  Instrument  corporate a crash display system, which
       better  services  to  meet  the  needs  of  Landing System (ILS).        improves  AES’  response  time  to  any
       airport  users,”  said  Lee  Seow  Hiang,   The  extension  of  the  runway  from  aircraft incidents at Seletar Airport.
       Chief Executive Officer of CAG.      1592 metres to 1836 metres, an addition   The airport’s business aviation sector
          “The  modernisation  of  Seletar  Air-  of  about  250  metres,  was  completed  is also slated to grow - having achieved
       port, as part of the SAP, will enable the  in September 2011. The extended run-  a compound growth rate of 21% from
       airport  to  support  the  aerospace  ac-  way enables Seletar Airport to support  2007  to  2010.  “Despite  the  global  eco-
       tivities being set up but also increased  larger jet operations as well as heavier  nomic  uncertainty,  its  growth  pros-
       business  aviation  activities  in  Singa-  take-off loads expected with the grow-  pects in the Asia-Pacific region remain
       pore. A key element is the air naviga-  ing business aviation sector.    robust - Bombardier has predicted that
       tion services (ANS)facilities. Built to in-  Following this, the new control tow-  business  jet  penetration  in  the  region
       ternational standards, the new Seletar  er on the east side of the runway was  will surge by almost three times from
       Control Tower and other ANS facilities  completed. The old control tower was  current  levels  over  the  next  20  years.
       will  enhance  the  air  traffic  manage-  built before World War II. The new con-  Seletar Airport is poised to ride on the
       ment  capacity  and  capabilities  at  the  trol tower has increased capacity and  growth of business aviation due to the
       airport,” Yap Ong Heng, Director-Gen-  capability for the provision of air traffic  privacy and convenience it provides to
       eral, CAAS, said.                    services.                           users,” said Lui.
          “The  achievement  of  Seletar  Air-  The air traffic controllers are provid-  “As  such,  the  airport  operations
       port’s key project milestones bears tes-  ed with more ergonomically designed  and  passenger  facilitation  will  also
       timony to the strong working relation-  workstations that enable them to mul-  be further enhanced. This will enable
       ship between CAG and all our airport  titask  more  effectively.  The  worksta-  Singapore to have a modern and dedi-
       partners. We would like to thank our  tion can be easily customised for each  cated airport to host business aviation
       airport  partners  at  Seletar,  as  well  as  controller’s specific role, and panels are  activities and to tap on the opportuni-
       airport and SAP tenants, for their coop-  arranged in an intuitive layout with the  ties and growth of the business avia-
       eration and understanding throughout  most-often-used  equipment  closest  to  tion community.”

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